Friday, September 26, 2014

Wondering about moths; What's the Odds?

Most of the times when I go out, I try to remember to take my camera along.  I don't always do so, but yesterday I was glad that I remembered to stick it in my shirt pocket.  After coming back from town to pick up our prescriptions we decided to go on down to the dollar stores that are close to our house.  At the first one, I spotted two beautiful moths.  This first one is a Luna moth.  They are so delicate and beautiful.  They have such fine antennae that you can see through them.  Now tell me, don't you think it is beautiful?

And low and behold, at the other corner of the window was another beautiful moth.  I didn't know the name of this one and had to look it up.  It is an "Eacles imperialis".  It was a heavier built moth but had beautiful and unique coloring.  I thought it was beautiful, too:

And how lucky can I be that they were both on the same window at the same time and that we chose that time to show up there and have a camera to record them with!!  By the way, here is link to a website about this moth:

Those moths made my day.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?



  1. Nature is so beautiful when you really take your time to look at the fine details. Have a grand weekend Dizzy-Dick, and hope you get to see a lot more of those beautiful creations.

    1. I have always said that if you look hard enough, you can find Nature's beauty almost everywhere.

  2. The are both beautiful moths, but the luna is really special!

    1. Yes it is. I have seen them before but it has been long ago.

  3. Replies
    1. Nature can be both pretty and ugly. I prefer pretty.

  4. Those big silk-worm moths are gorgeous! Not being a night person my usual view of these is just a pile of delicate wings below a fixture that has been lit through the night. You hit the jackpot!

    1. I thought silk-worm moths were white? BTW, I didn't see these at night, it was mid afternoon in front of a Dollar Store. Like I said, it was my lucky day to see both at the same time.

  5. Now I have to look for moths to take pictures of:)

    1. There is more things to take pictures of than I will ever have time to do. Let me see the pictures you take. Are you going to post them on your blog?

  6. Nice ones. I've seen Luna months up there this year, and they are amazing. Haven't seen the second one. Might not be in my area.

    1. They are in your area. According to my research they can be found in "Maine west to eastern Nebraska, south to the Florida Keys and central Texas".

  7. This huge green worm with a big horn spit at me one time. I put it in a jar and it went into it's cocoon. As time went by, had it in my kitchen, i kinda forgot. Then one day, there was this huge lime green moth i had never seen before! It's wings had dried in the jar,without being spread out and it just killed me that it would never fly. Anyway, was the first one i had ever seen, and haven't seen many more since.

    1. Yes, too bad there wasn't enough room for the wings. They are beautiful.

  8. Nice photos, the second moth is new to me. Glad to have had a look at one of natures many wonders.

    1. Keep looking, you may see that moth any time now. If you don't soon, you will have to wait until next Spring.
