Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wondering About Jiminy Cricket.

My Dad use to say "Jiminy Cricket!".  I guess he used it instead of "dang" or "damn" or anything not really acceptable around women and children.  In other words, it was used as a substitute for profanity.  I just wonder if it is still used that way.  I haven't heard it in many years.  Was it just my Dad or did others use it that way?
I guess "Jiminy Cricket" would then fall into the same category as "dang", or "darn", or "gee whiz", or "holy jumpin jehosaphat". 

 I don't know about you, but I always thought Jiminy was cute and made a great cartoon character.  The cartoons back when I was young were a lot different than they are today.  They used to all be funny!!  And some of them, especially from Disney, were to inspire young people to do what was right.  But basically, they were designed to entertain and make us laugh.
Thank you Walt Disney for making my youth and my adult life a much happier place.  I hope this brought back some memories for some you, go wish upon a star, and have a wonderful day, you hear? 


  1. I always look at other people's blog list when I visit.
    "Bacon and eggs" is one of them. I'd read her blog before & even corresponded with her, she died last month.... It is so very odd to read the remarks knowing how that story ended...

    Cartoons... It is so easy to forget that the old cartoons were meant for adults at the movies.

    1. Dang, I didn't know. How did you find out. In her last blog posting she seemed to be doing fine, but real busy with the produce from her garden. What happened?

  2. The only Jimmy I know cracks corn . . . and I don't care. :)

    1. I sure have heard of him, too. Great and humorous way you stated it.

  3. I had a school friend who would say "Oh Fiddlesticks!" ... kids didn't swear back then... I suppose some did but never around an adult or even in mixed company. The words we use today are more vulgar and just used randomly in everyday speech. Yeah... I liked living in the Walt Disney times.

    1. That was one of my Mother's favorite sayings. And yes, I always enjoyed Walt Disney.

  4. I have not thought about that character in maybe 25 years since by youngest gave up cartoons:)

    1. My youngest is now 45, so I haven't seen too many cartoons since he was young. I still like a good cartoon now and then.

  5. Still love the old cartoons. Wasn't there a big hoop-la about the violence in them? hahahaha WE thot they were funny! Favorite maybe, Foghorn, Leghorn. and the chicken hawk.
    We got in trouble for saying dang.

    1. You bet those old cartoons were the best!! Today's can't compete with the old ones.

  6. I heard the term being used a long time ago by our neighbor when I was a kid but have not heard it in years...

    1. I think it was our parents generation that used it the most.

  7. Maybe saying Jiminy Cricket was a Texas thing, Dizzy,' cause I heard it a lot. I never did like the Pinocchio movie, but Jiminy was a favorite, especially when he sang 'When you Wish Upon a Star..."
    Big Brother Hermit still posts cartoons to his blog every weekend, so we can enjoy them there.
    My bad word is "Sugar Diabetes!" When my family hears me say that, it's Katy, bar the door time. Don't know why I chose that phrase, though.
    Enjoy this great Texas fall weekend, Dizzy!

    1. Although I have lived in Texas for over 30 years, I have to say that I first heard that phase back when I lived in Pennsylvania.

  8. Jiminy Cricket is 74 years old now. He has out lived two of his previous voice actors and got his third one in 2010.

    Wouldn't it be great to answer the question "What do you do?" with "I'm Jiminy Cricket!"

  9. I've heard all those older sayings. I can remember seeing Jiminy Cricket in the olden days and thought he was well done by Disney!

    Now I'll be hearing the song "When you wish upon a star" in my head all day!

    1. There are worse songs that can get stuck in your head. I kind of like that one.
