Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wondering About a Porch Visitor and a Flea Market Find.

The first thing this morning I noticed a new visitor on the screened in back porch.  No, it wasn't running around but had its feet roots rhizomes buried in potting soil.  It was easy to spot because it was white.  Can you see it?:

OK, here is a closer view.  It is a mushroom and it has such intricate ribs.  So very beautiful:

Then off to the flea market.  My wife always seems to find something to put in her bag, but me, not so often.  Today, however, I did find something to bring home.  It is a book written by Patrick McManus.  I always loved his humor and would read his articles in hunting and fishing magazines, like Field & Stream and Outdoor Life.  His articles always gave me great big belly laughs and I am hoping this book will not be an exception.  It is titled, "The Grasshopper Trap":

After getting back from the flea market (it was only a couple of hours), the mushroom had changed into this:
Still pretty but starting to fade fast.  As you probably know if you have been reading my blogs for awhile, I enjoy the beauty in all types of mushrooms.  In fact, I love the beauty in all of Nature.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'd be tempted to do a spore print.... even those are beautiful... show all the detail in black or white.... fascinating! As for Patrick McManus... I love his humor... and characters! He can make the most ordinary experience into a real hoot!

    1. Yes, Patrick sure can. I have been enjoying his humor for years. McManus is now over 80, and I bet he can still tell a good story.
