Monday, September 22, 2014

Wondering Why I Was ROFL.

Yesterday, I mentioned on my blog posting that I bought a book written by Patrick McMannus.  He is one of my favorite writers and he has given me lots of laughs over the years by reading his articles in Field & Stream and Outdoor Life magazines.  Last night, I sat down on the couch and cracked open the book and started reading.  Dang!! I forgot just how funny this guy is!!

This book is full of his short stories and I attempted to read the first two in the book.  I started out grinning then went to laughing and moved on to laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes and my stomach was getting sore from trying not to laugh so dang hard.  I couldn't stop, I was in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
Of course my wife asked me why I was laughing so hard over a McMannus book.  I don't really know.  Yes, he is funny but there is more to it than that.  Since his articles were mostly written for outdoor magazines and I love to hunt and fish and of course (I hate to admit this) some most of his articles remind me of some of things I have done.  I just can't explain it, but there is no other comedy writer or comedian that gets me laughing so hard as Patrick E. McMannas.  I dare you to read some of his stuff and keep a straight face!!  I bet you will be laughing, too:

 I sure hope you all can find something to laugh about today.  It doesn't have to be something that makes you ROFL (Rolling On Floor Laughing), but at least I hope you find something to put a smile on your face.  Now smile and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I like to make people smile, but I could never be as funny as McMannas.

  2. I got a BIG grin thinking of you ROFL. Laughter is great, keep it up.

    1. Me rolling on the floor would be funny but getting back up would be a different story.

  3. Nothing like a full belly laugh to make your day.

    1. That is for sure and McMannas sure can make me laugh!!

  4. McManus is probably one of the funniest writers there is. I love his novels too - featuring the sheriff (can't remember his name).

    1. Yes, he wrote a lot of stuff. BTW, the sheriff was Bo Tully.

    2. I just thought of the name before I read your reply, and remembered it was Bo Tully. I think that is one of the funniest series I've read.

    3. Gypsy, I have not read those books. I will have to look for them.
