Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday Morning at the Flea Market and Pups.

It is Saturday morning and we can usually be found at the flea market.  This morning, my wife wanted to stop at a yard sale along the way, which I did.  She got lots of stuff.  No, don't ask, I don't know what all she got but most was for sewing or quilting or . . . what ever.  Finally got to the flea market, and since it is getting close to Halloween, there were lots of costumes for sell.  I came across a costume that made me take a second look.  What the heck???  OK, I had to take a picture and here it is.  Would any of you guys wear that costume:
It was called the "Banana Flasher".
The other day was grooming day and the two oldest pups wanted their picture taken.  This first one is of the old matriarch, Ginger Muffin.  She is the queen of this place and her throne is that pillow on the end of the couch: 
It wasn't long until her fella laid down beside her:

The youngest one got groomed, also, but was sleeping peacefully in her "house" and I didn't want to disturb her.  All three pups rule at our place.  Now you all have a dog gone good day, you hear.


  1. I would love to see a man wearing that costume. I am in Terlingua on most Halloweens but mainly it is the girls with the risque costumes and not the guys.

    Your puppy kids are adorable :)

    1. I don't think I would wear that costume. Thanks for complementing the pups. I should have put the third one's picture on, too.

  2. I'm from a town that is know nation-wide for it's Halloween "party". (Ohio University... Athens, Ohio)... and, believe me, that costume is tame compared to some of the things you see uptown at the party.... I think they rate the success of the party by the number of arrests. Your little guys look so silky - just lovely!

    1. I was never into wild parties. But of course that depends on what you call a wild party. Since I don't drink alcohol any more, I steer far away from "wild" parties.

  3. It has been my observation that flea markets are not what they use to be 20 years or so ago. Then you could hope to have a real find. Now it seems to be mostly really old junk or imported cheap junk:(

    1. The nearby flea market is really big and has almost anything you want. Maybe not every weekend but sooner or later it will show up. It has really old stuff and brand new stuff and everything in between. If you are ever in our area, stop in at Old Security Flea Market on weekends only.

  4. The Banana Flasher costume looks like one that would fit in perfectly at Key West Fantasy.....

    1. If you say so, I have never been to Key West. Thanks for stopping by today and leaving a comment.

  5. Been there several times, but never for Fantasy Fest though. I'm undecided on adding that to my bucket list :) either.

    1. I have never been to Key West either and probably will never get there.

  6. Good morning, Dizzy ;) such pretty puppy dogs... If I saw a guy wearing that costume I'd bop em with m'purse... hahaaa

    I don't carry purses any longer, however... but I'd find one

    1. Thanks for compliments on the pups, I will tell them what you said. I would never wear that costume and If I saw someone with it on I would look for a machete.

  7. I bet the pups feel so pretty,,, and i think the banana is funny.,,, lol on machete.

    1. Yes I believe the pups do feel pretty when they come home with a cute bandana around their necks. Animals know and understand a lot more than we think they can.
