Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wondering Why We Are Affected.

The full moon seems to have an effect on people and animals. It seems more babies are born and more people die when the moon is full or nearly full.  They also say it is for lovers, too.

Well let me tell you, it sure seems to be correct.  This full moon may have brought on a lot of births or maybe some conceptions, but I can attest that it seemed to bring on a lot of deaths.  We have two friends that have died and we will be leaving here to go to the home of one of them.  We were just up to visit with him the other day and since Hospice was there, I figured the end was near.  When I left we shook hands goodbye and I believe we both knew it would be the last time, the last goodbye.  We got a phone call this morning.  His wife told us he had passed during the night, at least he didn't suffer long.

We will be going back up there to express our condolences to his wife and adopted son.  Then, we will head back to Conroe and stop at the funeral home to see another friend that passed on.  This will not be the most pleasant Sunday I have had, but we all have to die sometime, and it is a time to remember them and support their families.  So, that dang "Super Moon" was not as good of a thing as I thought.  I hope it treated you better, but try to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'm so sorry for your losses.... while I know we all die I guess I'm selfish enough to want to hang on to every minute... to savor each experience and to relish every taste, smell and sight. I hope your friends went peacefully and that they leave behind good memories. I know you and Dusty must have been good friends to them and if we pass with a few good friends to mourn us, that surely means a lot.

  2. But you and Bill and Dusty and I, we will outlive all our friends, right? But then who will be left to mourn us? Live each day to the fullest, because today is all we really have. Tomorrow hasn't come yet.

    I misspelled a word, so corrected it.

  3. Glad you were able to say your last good-bye in person at least to one of your friends. It is always sad when a friend passes.

    Super moon looks beautiful hope to go outside after my mother goes to bed.

    1. Yes, I was glad I got to see him before he passed. Yew, that moon sure is bright.
