Saturday, August 9, 2014

Wondering About a Couple of Oddities.

 Our son took my wife (his mom) and me (his dad) out to lunch the other day.  I, of course, over ate.  Hey, we went to Golden Coral and that is an all you can eat buffet.  So, aren't you supposed to eat all you can eat?  My wife tells me that two fully loaded plates was too much.  Oh well, I enjoyed myself and I believe everyone else did, too.

On the way home, my son stopped at the Northern Tool Store.  That is the store where he bought all his solar panel stuff.  They had just about anything a guy could want.  They even had this machine:

Then, this morning, we went to the flea market.  I saw this cute hand-held sewing machine:

No, I didn't buy it, but I did buy one thing.  I bought a flat-top Fender Guitar along with a really nice case.  Now my Ovation has a friend or another one to compete with.  After I have had it for awhile, I will let you know which one I like the best.  My Ovation will be really hard to beat.

I think from now on, today, I am going to stay inside out of the heat and humidity.  The heat was starting to get to me.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I have seen a hand sewing machine, but not a fart machine:)

    1. That was a new one for me. That is why I took a picture of it.

  2. That guitar is a real find -if the price wasn't too dear.

    1. I got it fine tuned tonight and sat and picked it for awhile. Then I got the old Ovation and guess what? The Ovation was easier to play. I imagine it is because of the aluminum neck which is very, very straight. The strings are the same height off the frets the whole length of the neck. The Fender, not so much. I may have to get an allen wrench and turn the adjusting screw to see if I can help it any. It sure does sound good, but so does the Ovation.

  3. The Northern Tool Store on I-45 heading towards Dallas...gosh I haven't been to that store in so long! Had never seen a fart machine, that is probably more up Billy Bob's alley than mine :)

    Hope you enjoy your new guitar. One thing I do not miss from Houston is the humidity.

    1. Yep, that dang humidity makes "the feels like" temperature way, way up there. I played it some tonight, but still prefer the older Ovation.

  4. Yep, overeating and heat do not careful.

    1. I don't like it too hot outside, but I do like to eat.

  5. I like buffets!
    I went to the casino breakfast buffet last Thursday & didn't over eat (for the first time!).
    I had what I wanted for breakfast (potatoes with gravy & 2 eggs on top w/ sausage links on the side) for a reasonable $7
    Then I tried my luck upstairs in the casino... it didn't take but $5 to show me that my luck was not there this trip :-)

    1. Me too. You lasted longer at the casino than I did, I stopped after the first two dollars when I was there.

    2. Forgot to explain that the one I stopped at was Indian owned and in Arizona north of Phoenix.
