Monday, August 11, 2014

Wondering About a Traffic Jam

Yesterday I told you that we were going to go see the widow of our friend that had just passed away, and then head back to Conroe to the funeral home to see another friend laid out there.  We had a long visit with his wife and daughter and then left to head for the funeral home.  They live in a housing development off Calvary Road.  I was going to take I-45 back south to Conroe, but changed my mind and decided to cross over I-45 and go south on highway 75 and go home first to freshen up before heading in to the funeral home.  As we approached the interstate on Calvary Road, traffic was backed way up.  As we inched closer, saw that the interstate was jammed up and traffic was at a stand still, and everyone northbound was exiting to get on 75 north.  Wow, what a mess.  I haven't seen it that bad since hurricane Ike was going to hit and everyone was getting the heck out of town.

We did find out what the trouble was.  A fellow ran into the back of an eighteen wheeler that had broke down and was parked on the side of the road.  It was a fatality and the authorities had the north bound lane temporarily shut down.  Here are some pictures from the Conroe Courier:

It was reported by another driver, that he was texting.  That just goes to show you what can happen when you take your eyes off the road while driving for only an instant.  I don't text.  I still have an old small flip phone that doesn't text or receive text.  I made sure it was all turned off.  Now, you all be safe out there if you have to hit the road, even for a short drive, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Some people will never learn and will continue to endanger thir lives and others by allowing themselves to be distracted by their phones. I also have just a simple phone, no texting, and by the time I figured out how to use the camera the scene would be log gone.

    1. Yes they sure do. As far as cameras are concerned, I have tow small pocket cameras. The smallest is a Fujifilm and will fit in my shirt pocket. I also have a Cannon, and it, too, fits in my shirt pocket but is a little more bulky. I would like to get another Cannon, the one that zooms up to 30X.

  2. Too many drivers are driving distracted and the results are sometimes tragic.

    1. A lot of things can distract drivers, that is for sure.

  3. 'morning, Dizzy... that's so tragic ... even glancing at the radio to change stations can get ya killed... fun reading where you were/are .... traveled that a few times ;)

    1. I live in Cut & Shoot. Yes, it is really named that and my address ends with Cut & Shoot, TX 77306. And yes, that is really tragic, any loss of life is tragic.

  4. My first X drove a wrecker for the company for years, and i went on lots of the calls, Got totally paranoid about getting on the highway. Got over it, but still drive defensive

    1. I have seen more than my share of wrecks. Just glad I have had nothing worse than a fender bender or the RV sideswiping a tree.
