Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wondering Why the Heat affected Me and the Memorial Wall.

No, it wasn't excessively hot nor was the humidity out of the ordinary for this time of year here in this area.  The temperature now is in the mid 90's but this morning it was in the upper 80's and warmed to the low 90's.  For some reason, it got to me when we at the flea market.  I was dragging.  My skin was cool and clammy and I wasn't feeling all that great.  I told my wife and she told me to go into the air-conditioned building where the snack bar is located and get a drink.  I did, and I got a big ole cup of ice and put unsweetened tea in it.  After slowly drinking it, I started to feel much better.  I am now in my air-conditioned home, sitting on the couch with a running fan pointing at me.  This is my normal place to sit and my unpleasant experience at the flea market is now just becoming a memory.
My wife found a GI JOE item there this morning.  It was the Vietnam Wall Memorial:

The above picture is one I borrowed off the Internet to show you what it should look like.  She got the box and the wall, but no GI Joe.  I guess he went home or something.

We got it home and put fresh batteries in it and dang, it worked!!  It lit up, so I took a picture of it to show you what it looks like when lighted:
I think it looks great!!  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Hope you're feeling better now. Wonder if you got dehydrated? I'm always harping at Bill & Kirk here to drink plenty of liquids during the day... even though it's not nearly that hot, it's still easy to get dehydrated. Maya Lin, the woman who designed the Viet Nam Wall graduated the same high school a year or so ahead of my daughter. I think she went on to establish an architectural office in NYC and design some other notable memorials. Even without the GI Joe, your find is very interesting.

    1. Did your daughter know her? Maya Lin did a great design job on the wall. It was a wonderful idea.

  2. Your wife did not stop shopping and go with you? Glad you felt better after the cold ice tea.

    This year I have really felt the heat and I drink a lot of water. Keep cool.

    1. I wanted her to keep on shopping. That way I wouldn't have to stand around waiting on her. I believe I learned my lesson, but I have said that before. . .

  3. The same trouble hits me now and then since I got old. It is the reward for living so long. I do not know what is going on either but the cool off and drink is always the answer.

  4. For what it's worth, diuretics and BP meds can have that effect. Also, the air has been bad for those of us with COPD and/or asthma. Really difficult to differentiate between them as to underlying cause, except as Barney mentioned -- we're getting old. Glad to hear you are feeling better. If it seems to recur under similar conditions, take some precautions to get and stay hydrated when you are outdoors, wear a Stetson or peasant straw hat to minimize insolation of the pate, watch out to be sure your blood sugar doesnt dip on you (yippee - ice cream!) And minimize the length of time you are exposed to sun. We don't want to lose you to solar overexposure.

    1. Good point. I am on blood pressure medication. And yes, I love ice cream.

    2. Can't mow now, my tractor broke its drive belt.

  5. That makes a beautiful night light for the home. What size is it? YOU were feeling like Joe and I were when we were stranded. It is a terrible thing to experience. At least you had shelter.

    1. We were outside most of the time. We prefer the outside tables to the booths inside. OK, the size. It is 6.125" wide x 12.5" long x 1.25" thick with a 1.75" wide base.

  6. The heat has been brutal at times and I'm glad you had an air conditioned place to go sit down and have a cold drink. I've felt like that a number of times this summer and I have never had the experience before. I'm only on one med and nothing to do with heart, blood pressure, etc. Hope you stay well and don't have any recurrences.

    1. Yep, sometimes it is hard for me to remember that I am getting old.

  7. Heat and humidity can sneak up on you, especially if you are a bit dehydrated. Take care. My father-in-law in TX got heat stroke and it's taken him two years to feel right.

    1. I was only in the beginning stage of heat exhaustion. Caught it in time.

  8. I saw two young people (16-22 is my guess) pass out this summer due to the heat & lack of water. They were standing there in line & just collapsed. Shade & liquid got both moving again before long...

    1. Young people think they are invincible. I know I did way back many, many years ago.

    2. I think that has a life long effect on you. It has on my bro, and he was around 22 or so when he had it.

    3. I think it does, too. I know from experience that frost bitten areas are more prone to getting cold first.
