Monday, August 18, 2014

Wondering About an External Hard Drive

I got digging around in the stuff that I removed from my office to decide what gets put back in and what gets discarded.  I didn't get too far because right there on top of the pile was something I purchased a few years ago and so far haven't used it.  I found an external hard drive.  Here is a picture of the box I found:

And here is a picture I found on the Internet:

 I have a few old computers lying around and it would be easier to take the hard drives out of them and view them on my laptop using the above adapter.  That way, I don't have to mess around with monitors and cables and such, just plug this unit into an USB port on my laptop and browse the hard drive.  Sounds like a plan to me, of course I am not going to rush into anything.  Heck, it may involve some work getting the old computers apart.  Of course my curiosity will get the best of me and I will have to see what is on some of the old hard drives.  Most will probably just have old AutoCAD and Inventor drawing files.  But then, I may also find some interesting stuff, like pictures that I have forgotten about.  Now, you all keep your hard drives spinning and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Don't know how many PCs i've been thru since 1996, but never did anything with my hard drive. Should have taken them out and destroyed them, or kept them. I can't hardly stand it to get on it now, it's so slow compared to this laptop.

    1. Newer is usually better, but not all the time. Don't we get better with age? (grin)

  2. I have a SeaGrave external hard drive that I'm suppose to use to back up my computer periodically but I forget about it... I've had several computers crash beyond recovery - I cuss and carry on... swearing I'll do better the next time... then do it all over again. Bill uses something called a "cloud"... but he's more meticulous than me at keeping up with things.

    1. Yes, I also have an external hard drive for backing up info. This one is for hard drives that are removed from computers that no longer work.

  3. Your post today makes me wonder what I have done with all my old computers since the mid-1990's. I only have the hard drive from my last Apple laptop - the one I spilled a glass of water on and ruined.

    1. Old hard drives out of computers could give a thief a lot of info about you and your business. If you don't keep them, destroy the hard drive. Erasing them only erases the guide posts to the info, the info is still there until written over. Reformat the old hard drives will do it, too.

  4. I've got one similar to that and also have a bunch of old computers and a stack of old hard drives. You reminded me of that so I think I'll start doing that today. I've been looking for old pictures and that would probably scare up many.

    1. Hope you find a lot of old pictures that you would like to see again.

  5. Funny how things that seemed important way back then are less than important now.

    Priorities change over the years, I reckon!

    1. It does seem that all priorities change over time and everything seems to be changing way too fast. Or am I just slowing up?

  6. From the box it only will accept sata drives. IDE (the wide cable) is a different connection. Does your box accept both?

    1. I bought an adapter at the same time. All I got to do is find the adapter. Now where the heck could it be. . . .
