Saturday, August 16, 2014

Wondering About Proms.

High school proms are and were a special event.  In fact, Disney even has dolls depicting that event.  Here is a picture of one of them that I got off the Internet:
I was going through some things that I had moved out of my "office" and found some old pictures of my wife's and my prom.  We went to two of them, the first was my Junior prom.  Here is a picture of us when I picked her up at her parents' home:
Notice that I had a short, neat hair cut.  Now didn't we make a cute couple?  Then we were off to the junior prom.  The decorations included empty bottles sitting around on the tables: 
 Then the next year was my last prom, the senior prom.  It was a year later and we were both a year older and of course the hair styles changed:

Now wasn't that a sweet picture?  Now you all are not getting off that easy, I have one more picture of the prom:
Just think how long my wife and I have been a couple!  We were married a few years later and have been married for over 50 years.  My wife still looks great but me, not so much.  I am old and grey.  Hey, one of us has to age (grin).  Now, how many of you remember your proms?  Did you marry your prom date?
I hope I brought back some pleasant memories for you all.  They were for me.  Now, I want you all to have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Your pictures are wonderful! And still together after all these years... WoooHoooo! Yes, I did marry my prom date... have a photo somewhere that my Mom took. I kept the corsage for many years.... but threw all those things away when the marriage ended. Guess I still have the memories and that's okay. We both went on to happier lives.

    1. Sorry your prom date hubby didn't work out, but all is for the best. I think you and Bill make a perfect couple!!

  2. Replies
    1. Maybe you should have. . . Back when I was in high school, it was THE social event of the whole twelve years.

    2. I was never very social and attended few event much less THE social event of the whole twelve years. I was most likely working the night of the prom.

  3. I think it's great that you married your prom date and you are still together! What a great story!

    1. I wonder how many couples can say that? Thanks HJ.

  4. I really enjoyed this post. You all make a lovely couple...then and now :)

    I attended my Junior Prom and goodness NO...I did not marry my date. I was grounded (I stayed grounded through high school) so my father did not allowed me attend my Senior Prom.

    1. I bet that there is an interesting story behind your being grounded. I would like to hear it sometime.

    2. Lol, I am afraid the operative word is "stories"...way to many to tell. Not sure they will ever be told on a public blog :)

  5. Did the Jr one, but skipped my senior. Was married, pregnant, and just didn't care. Never regretted it. My mother couldn't believe i wouldn't go. (had gotten married the summer before, lasted 26 years)

    1. No need to go, if you didn't care. I enjoyed both of my proms.
