Monday, July 14, 2014

Wondering About This Weekend's Fleamarket Finds.

First of all, I had personal business to take care of this morning, and right after lunch we went and got groceries.  Didn't have time to write a blog until now.  Sorry I am late.

As always, we went to the local flea market this past weekend.  I got a small toy for myself and my wife brought home a lot of things.  I thought I would show you what I bought and a few of the things she got.  I picked up sportsman's thermometer:
 I am sure that it would work for most people, except there ain't enough snow down here in Texas to ski and I don't drink, golf, or work.  OK, that leaves stay in bed or go hunting or fishing.  Sounds like a pretty good plan to me.  What do you think?

My wife bought a lot of things and among them were four shadow boxes.  I could only lay my hands on three of them, I don't know where the fourth one is.  Its subject was pigs.  This first picture shows one about marriage:
 This next one is a baby teddy bear in a basket:
 This last one is a sprinkling can with flowers in it:

I don't know what she paid for the shadow boxes but I do know she really got a bargain on battery powered candles with timers.  Each one was in its own package and the bulb flickers.  I found them on the Internet and they were selling for $15.00 to $20.00 and she only paid ten cents a piece.  Here is a picture of one of the candles:

OK, that about covers our flea market finds for this week.  Of course there was a lot of good conversations and a whole lot of other treasures to look at.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. My day is finally over and it wasn't great. Any more wishes for me?

  2. Missed you yesterday, catching up today.

  3. Dizzy you guys must have a big house to put all the treasures you find weekly at the Flea Market.

    I liked the first shadow box of death dressed as a bride.

  4. It has been so hot that I am surprised that you went to the flea market at all.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX
