Sunday, July 13, 2014

Got Up Wondering About. . .

Funny thing, I woke up this morning wondering.  What was I wondering about?  That is the strange part.  I was wondering how a red-neck cleans his in house toilet, if he has one.  Well, I imagine a real redneck would first remove the lid and seat, take them outside, and wash them with a power washer.  Maybe some, who's neck is a little redder than the others would just power wash the whole thing while it is still in the house.  He could also wrap rags around a Weed Eater or just throw in some soap and a cat and shut the lid.

  I guess the next time I run into Jeff Foxworthy, I will have to ask him.  Here are a couple of Jeff's redneck jokes:

"You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws."

"You think Possum is 'The Other White Meat'."

"If you can burp and say your name at the same time, you're shur'nuff  a redneck.

OK, enough of Foxworthy, but I have a few more pictures for your enlightenment.  This next picture is of a redneck swimming pool:
 And what does the well dressed female redneck where when she goes out:
I wonder if she borrowed that piece of clothing from her boyfriend?
OK, so where does a rich redneck live and what does he drive?  Well, a picture is worth a thousand words:

Now I want to tell you that I am not a redneck;  I am more of a hillbilly.  Remember, although I have lived in Texas for thirty some years, I came from the hills of western Pennsylvania.  Now, all you rednecks and hillbillies out there, have yourselves a really great day, you hear?


  1. The other day I showed my 7 year old granddaughter how to dry a wet kitchen floor with an electric leaf blower . . .

    . . . wife was still out of town.

    1. That sounds like a good way to dry it. So, I guess your teaching your granddaughter alternative ways of doing things?

  2. I painted the inside of my barn white with thinned white paint using a hand pump garden sprayer. Actually worked very well.

    1. I think we all have a little bit of redneck or hillbilly in us. I know I do.

  3. Had to laugh at that last picture. lolol

    1. I laughed at all of them. I tried to make a humorous blog today. Sometimes my sense of humor is different than other peoples'.

  4. Doesn't everyone defrost their fridge with a hair blow-dryer? (well, maybe I'm the only one who still has to defrost their fridge). Can you tell by the way I write that I speak with a "Southeast Ohio Twang"? but, hey, I've got class! (proving it by going to my high school reunion in a couple of weeks).

    1. The freezer compartment on the fridge in my motorhome has to be defrosted from time to time. I sit a pan of hot water in it with the door open along with the hair drier if I am in a hurry. Try to get the large pieces of ice out so I don't have as much water to mop up. The one in the house is auto defrost. I have lived so many places my speech has picked up varieties from all the areas. Another reason that I am Dizzy.

  5. Y'all more of a hillbilly. I kinda' reckoned that. Although, no mention of Beverly Hills. Rednecks sure are good at gurning contests. Y'all know that purplenecks is one step up from rednecks. Yep, the beer parlours in British Columbia are full of them.

    Take care.


    1. Some of them there hills are so steep that the cows have two long legs on one side and two short legs on the other from walking around those hills . . . (grin) I never heard of purplenecks.

  6. Us hillbillys know that the best way to hide a dead body is to call it barbecue and feed it to a redneck.

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