Saturday, July 12, 2014

Wondering About a Bouquet.

The daughter of a special friend of my son's made an arrangement of flowers and came to our home and gave them to my wife.  My wife was so pleased, as was I.  They made our day:

I turned the bouquet around and took a second picture of the other side.  See, it was just as beautiful:

Sometimes something unexpected turns out to be the best thing that happened to you that day.  This was one of those days.  Thanks, girls!!  Now, I hope every person out there will have just as good a day as we did, you hear?


  1. The flowers are beautiful, on both sides. An unexpected gift is a wonderful thing.

  2. A surprise bouquet of flowers is always nice. Those are pretty.

    1. The little girl who arranged them is quite young, but she can sure do a good job.

  3. They must love yall a lot, and yes, they are really beautiful. Kinda tears you up,, right? Still does me when i think of my great niece, 6 yo, wanting to cook me supper, and doing it up all fancy, just for me.

    1. There is something special about young kids who try to do nice things for their elders. Too bad we all can't be like little kids.

  4. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady.
