Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wondering About the First Ford.

Did you know that on this day back in 1903 that Ford Motor Company took its first order for a gasoline powered automobile.  It was a dentist (Ernst Pfenning from Chicago) that laid out the $850.00 bucks for a two-cylinder Model-A.  That was the humble beginning of Ford Motor Company.  Here is a picture of a Model-A, it was not much more than a steerable buggy with a small motor and small seat, but the very first one had a back seat (but that was a special order) and most didn't have a back seat and looked like this:

Mr. Ford found eleven other people who would purchase stock in his company and one of those investors owned a 50x250 foot factory building and Ford started production in that building in June of 1903.  About a month later, on this date, they got their first order.

Then came the famous Model T in 1908 and that put Ford on top of the automobile industry.  It was in production from 1908 until 1927 with a few improvements along the way:
 Some had cloth tops, some had hard tops, but the first ones didn't have a top.  Now I just want you to know that this all took place way before my time.  I may be old, but not that old!!

I bet most of us sometime in the past has owned a Ford product.  My Granddad had a 1940 Ford.  That was the first car I drove, other than my Dad's DeSoto.  You all be careful out there in your horseless carriages and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. We didn't own a car until about l950, living here, we walked.

    1. Walking is good for you but it takes a long time just to cross Texas (grin).

  2. I wonder what Henry Ford would make of today's car market?

    1. He would probably turn over in his grave. He wanted to make a vehicle that anyone could afford.

  3. My Dad was born in 1898.... I wish I'd asked him what he thought of all the "new-fangled" inventions in his lifetime. He passed in 1984 and we were already in the computer age. But then I think of all the "new" stuff in my own lifetime.... guess we just take for granted each new thing as it comes along.

    1. My Granddad was an engineer on a coal fired steam locomotive and when he retired he was still running the steam locomotive. He was alive when the space age started with Sputnik. He also saw a lot of changes, from horse drawn buggies to rocket ships.

  4. I still drive my dad's old car...a 1982 Ford Fairmont.

    1. That is the one with the squares in the grill, right? Ford made a lot of great cars.
