Friday, June 27, 2014

Wondering When Things Will Get Back to Normal?

Boy are things in a mess around here!!  I couldn't believe how much crap stuff I had squeezed into my office.  Of course every single bit of it had to be removed.  It is now scattered all over my home creating road hazards to my wife and I and places to run, hide, and play for the dogs.

The workers finished up on the room yesterday.  Would you like to see a picture of what it looks like?  OK, here it is.  Do you like the flooring design and color I picked?
It looks a lot better in person.  The picture does not do it justice.
Now I have to go through all that junk that came out of that room and try to decide what to throw away and what to keep.  I have a tough time throwing anything away.  That means that I am really going to have a tough time deciding on what goes back into that room.  The eight foot long two place work/computer table that was in there will not go back in.  It was great while I was working, but isn't needed now that I am a retired gentleman.  Well, maybe I ain't a gentleman but I don't do any more design engineering work anymore.  In fact, I don't like to do any kind of work anymore.  I have to be prodded into it.  But then, there are a few days I just feel like working.  Of course they are coming fewer and further between.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. There are all sorts of "normal". What is normal for you may not be normal for me. And I am by no means normal.

  2. My home office can never be remodelled. Too much stuff to move out. For some reason this is a room that sucks in just about everything.

    1. I thought so too, with mine. Now that I took everything out of my office, the rest of the house is bulging at the seams.

  3. I made a vow when I moved to only keep the barest of necessities. At some point, I lost my vow and am nearly in the same predicament as before. Take my advice dear friend. If you didn't know you had it, and are surprised to find it, YOU DIDN'T NEED IT. I found that SPACE is very calming. And I LOVE that floor. I wish I had it instead of these perpetually dirty looking white tiles.

    1. Ahh, but I might need it some time in the future (grin). A lot of it was work related mechanical drawings that I kept as a record of some of my work. Another trouble with saving stuff you may need again is when you need it you can't find it and have to buy another one, anyway.

      I redid the floors myself in my bedroom and the play/video room. Put down those snap together wood floor panels. I am too old to do all that now.

  4. Love that floor too. You did good, DD.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks. I like that color and design. It blends with the wood floor in the family room next to it.

  6. The floor looks great, now can you keep it uncluttered?
    When I cleared out the storeroom, I have a van load of 'stuff' that I never used, to take to the different thrift shops when I go into town tomorrow. But, I kept some to sell at the flea market, when it gets a bit cooler.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.
