Saturday, June 28, 2014

Wondering Why The Internet Was Down.

My Internet service was not working yesterday.  Now, for a husband and wife who spend hours everyday on the Internet, that is a catastrophe for sure.  It isn't until you loose something that you find out just how much you miss it and have used it and have depended on it.

If I want to know a meaning of a word, I go to the Internet.  Same thing if I want to know about almost anything, I look it up on the Internet.  How did we ever survive with out the Internet?  Oh yea, we looked things up in the dictionary or the encyclopedia or some other specific reference book.  I still like to look things up in hard copy books.  There is something special about holding a book in your hand and reading what it says without being hooked up to the internet or relying on a battery or making sure you have a good connection.  Just ask a fellow blogger who has a house full of books,  If or when the grid goes down, including the telephone network, books may be all we will have for information.

I did call the provider and got to talk to a technician, but before I did, I plugged my telephone into the jack that I use for the internet.  The first thing she said was that my line may not be working.  Of course I told her that I was using it to talk to her.  To make a long story short, we did get everything back up and running properly and I got my blog posted yesterday, although a little later than usual.  Sure is good to have the DSL line back.  Am I spoiled?  You bet your sweet bippy I am and I enjoy being spoiled.  I sure hope you all are spoiled, too, and that you have a great day, you hear?    



  1. I'm glad you got it working again! I am almost lost when mine goes down even for a short time.

    I think the proper term for it is "spoiled!"

    1. I admit I am spoiled, and not just by the Wi-Fi but a lot of other things, also. Heck, I deserve to be spoiled.

  2. "You bet your sweet bippy" is an old one...

    1. I believe that Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In TV show made that old saying popular again.

  3. Mines been working great for a long time,,, probably about time to break down ,,, lol.

    1. It is amazing how much we take for granted until one of them quits working. Everything is fixed now. I even published Sunday's blog.
