Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wondering About Water Leaks.

Back on last Friday (6-20-14) I posted a blog about discovering a leak under my house in the middle of the night.  The plumbers came the next day and did a temporary emergency fix until they had time to come and do the job correctly.  So, yesterday was the day they returned and a crew of four spent the entire day at my place.

I have a lot of places in my home that uses water.  There are three full bathrooms with tubs and showers and sinks, there is a large gas hot water heater, there is laundry, there is a kitchen sink and a dishwasher, and an external spigot so I have a place outside to get water and attach a hose.  With all these different outlets, there is a lot of fittings, like ells, tees, etc.  The crew replaced all the fittings with new, better designed ones.  Then they replaced all the insulation and covering.

They said that some of the pipes had been chewed on, so I set a trap and caught a coon.  I hope everything will be alright now and that the fix lasts awhile.  I will be on the alert for animal signs and if there are any, the trap will be set again.  BTW, the first thing I caught in the live trap was a cat.  When I opened the door and let it out, I do believe it broke the sound barrier getting away and into a nearby thicket.  Now I have lots of water and my pipes are full but my wallet is a lot lighter, for sure.  You all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. When i bought this house, had to replace alll the plumbing,, water and gas. Then, not long ago, the sewer line. But now i can rest easy,,, hopefully the rest of my life.

    1. You should be all set, like you said. But what about the roof? (grin).

  2. we have a backhoe in the yard right now sitting, raining cats and dogs. new water lines for a new water well.... Well, can't wait for this job to be done!

    1. You should expect rain when you want to do any construction work. Of course the contractors hate it more than you do. Rain days do not add up to pay days.

  3. Seems we've had water problems for months... whether it be while in Costa Rica or up here in Maine... and neither a thing to do with our motorhome. This time the utility sink in the old maintenance building drips like a... (what analogy is there?)... anyway, it needs a new washer. Personally, I had my own plumbing fixed a couple of years ago so I'm good to go for a few more years ;-)

    1. All the leaks are fixed now and I hope neither I nor my home starts leaking again. . especially me. (grin) Now we are going to have new flooring put down in what use to be my office and at this time, haven't decided what it will turn into.

  4. Glad to hear the problem was resolved, may have cost you an arm and a leg but it is fixed!

    1. They redid my office, too. I will put a picture on my next blog posting.

  5. I used to say the only two things that ever went wrong at home were electrical or water leaks. Thank god the two never mixed.

    1. Sure wouldn't want them to mix, the sparks would fly.
