Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wondering About 60's Music.

Do you remember the music of the 1960's?  I graduated from high school the Spring of 1961 so the music of that era was what I listened to and danced to.  There were some great groups that sprang out of that era.  It was the season of folk rock.

Some of my favorite groups were The Beach Boys (who my wife to be and I went to see in person), Peter, Paul & Mary, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Byrds, Simon & Garfunkel, and many more.  And the songs that they recorded; Good Vibrations, Stewball Was a Race Horse, Hello Mary Lou, Mr. Tambourine Man, and Bridge Over Troubled Water.  Now tell me that I didn't grow up with some mighty good music to listen to.

Do you remember any of these songs and groups?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'll admit that I'm more a "late 50's" kind of music person.... Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White songs... Harry Bellefonte, Johnny Mathis..... I never have liked jazz... it's too spastic for me and I'm too wound for that.... But then the 60's... I got married and had 2 kids real fast... I can't remember even listening to music those years... Now I appreciate everything from Cajun to Mozart.... Bluegrass is a favorite as well. I'm WAY across the board on my likes....

    1. Yes, I liked the '50's music, also. Bluegrass is my favorite and bluegrass gospel is at the top of the list. In fact I am watching it on TV right now. I can't stand rap.

  2. While you are ahead of me by 7 years, I was performing folk and blue grass on a gut-bucket bass (1 string was my speed. - I never graduated to a regular bass as 4 strings was 3 too many) so share a similar taste for early 60's folk-rock. Many years later, my brother worked on video animations for Noel Paul Stookey. With the exception of most rap & hip-hop, I am a musical gourmand...I like music in all forms.

    1. Saturday night all the music shows are on RFDTV and I play along with them as best as I can on my Ovation guitar. Doesn't bother anyone except my wife and our dogs (grin).

  3. Tons of music from the 50s R&R on,,, and i have lots and lots of albums of it. CCR was kinda the band for the motorcycle races,,, way back when. Drive up , and it was blasting. Heard it thru the Grapevine,,,lol.

    1. The fifties was a good time for good music. I remember it well.

  4. loved 'em all ... here's a fun place for you to go play!

    don't see any Ray Stevens stuff on there... nor Lil Egypt... LOVED the Coasters ... so many great songs ....

    ha! loved this

    1. lmaooo,,, love Ray Stevens have lots of em in favs on youtube. Especially sitting up with the dead, and the squirrel in church,,,hahahaha

    2. Carolyn, remember Hootenanny, the TV show that went around to different colleges? They came to Penn State when I was there with the Kingston Trio in tow. Great time in music.

  5. It was a special time for music. I loved it, but so do my kids.

    1. It is great that your kids appreciate the old music.

  6. I graduated in 1960 so I'm with The Odd Essay in preferring late '50s over early '60. I also listened to a lot of Country during those years as well as R&R.

    1. Yep, I was torn between rock and roll, country, or folk and bluegrass music.

  7. Ah yes I remember! But I have promised myself I will not be like my parents-- who think their generations music is the best. I like SOME of the stuff from today too.

    1. Funny, your comment made me wonder what today's music sounds like. I don't believe I have heard any. I guess I must make a point to listen to some. . . or maybe not. (grin)

  8. I graduated in 1964, I love the late 50s and all the sixties music. I do believe my generation had the best music but I like Sinatra and all that kind of music. There has been music from every decade that I love. Try these two indie groups--FUN and Plain White Ts.

    The music of the 60s brings back a surge of the youthful hormones or at least the feelings of invincibility. I think this is why each generation feels so strongly about their music because it is the only music to evoke such feelings. I feel light, giddy, free, and hopeful when I hear "my" music.
