Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wondering About Candy

Candy, now that is a sweet subject, for sure.  I am willing to bet that 99.9% of you like some sort of candy.  Then, too, I would guess that there are some candy that you don't like.  I don't care for several kinds of candy and one in particular, I hate.  I hate liquorish or any thing flavored with anise.

Most people like chocolate and there are many types to choose from.  This next picture shows dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate:
Which type do you prefer?
I prefer dark chocolate way above all the rest:
Yes, I like chocolate, but lately I have been craving that sweet and sour taste.  There are two kinds that I like.  The Sweetarts are my favorite and if I can't find them, my second choice is Bottle Caps.

The last time we went grocery shopping, the store was out of them.  Today, when we were returning home from the flea market, we stopped at a small convenience store and I got the only three boxes of Sweetarts that they had.  Now, I am stocked up for a little while, if I ration them (grin).

I know you all are just so sweet you don't need candy, and of course I am sweet too, so that is why I have to also have the tart part just to even things out.  Now, all you sweet people out there, have yourselves a great day, you hear?

P.S.  My wife just said "the reason I am craving candy is that I am not getting enough vitamin C, and I don't mean the "C" in Candy!!''


  1. Hate that liquorish too, fav is dark choc with almonds. Used to get those bite size bags. Almond Joys also a fav. Hmmm,, lots of candy,,,and i never much cared for sweets til i became diabetic.

    1. I keep dark chocolate in the refrigerator and break off a few bites at a time. It is harder and more brittle when it is cold and somehow, tastes better to me.

  2. I ate Twizzlers and Butterfingers all the time, and I mean: ALL THE TIME during the day, and at night. At work. At home. Then I drank pure Coke and added cherry syrup to it. Then, suddenly, and WITHOUT REASON, I found out I was diabetic. Recently at my advanced age, I've given myself license to have candy around, but there's no way I have that old craving for a sack at a time. But those Sweet-tarts put my teeth on edge.

    1. I have buying that Mexican Coca-Cola that is made with pure sugar, but my son found some made in the U.S. with pure sugar. Can't stand that artificial sweetener. Cherry Cokes used to be the rage.

  3. I always loved milk chocolate until recently - now I only eat dark chocolate. I ate candy now and then as a kid, but only a few kinds. I always liked York Peppermint Patties, but all those non-organic brands now put so much high fructose corn syrup into them and I refuse to buy it.

    1. When I was a kid I would get a Three Musketeers Bar, cut it in three pieces and put it in the freezer and then would have one piece a night for three nights. I also like York Peppermint Patties and try to stay away from high fructose corn syrup but eat things with it in when my wife isn't looking (grin).

  4. I would have never figured you for a candy lover. I do like my chocolate, but I lean more towards the milk chocolate and then some white chocolate.

    1. Oh I like my dark chocolate and my sweet-tarts. I also have a big bowl of Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice-cream every night.

  5. I have never really liked candy, after dad took me and my cousins trick o treating, I would give my bag full of stuff to my mother who had a sweet tooth.

    I do enjoy a bar of Three Musketeers now and then.

    1. I just told my wife that everyone likes candy and then you commented and said that you never really liked candy. Dang, my wife is always right!!

    2. You should know by now that a wife is always right :D

      Even though I must admit that I am in the minority...almost everyone I know except for my late dad likes candy.

  6. Vitamin chocolate, an important part of keeping a wife happy.

    1. Vitamin C, the "C" stands for chocolate, right? You do know that there is a lot of good things in chocolate?

  7. I ate very little candy until a year or so ago. I then started eating 2-3 squares of 90-72% dark chocolate every day in my attempt to control blood pressure and lower cholesterol. I don't know if it works or not but my blood pressure has gone down while I've cut my drug dosage from 20mg to 5mg.
