Friday, June 20, 2014

Wondering About Water and a Beetle.

I woke up in the middle of the night.  Since I was awake, I figured I would get up and visit the bath room.  When I flushed, nothing worked.  What??  You guessed it, for some reason there was no water.  The first thing I did was go out and shut off the gas hot water heater.  Yes, I know there are safety features on it but I feel better just shutting it off completely, pilot light and all.

I then went outside and there was a lake forming around my deck.  I took some skirting down and crawled under the house.  Yep, Niagara Falls!!  A pipe must have broke or a fitting came apart.  By then my knees were aching from crawling around in the cold well water.  I then went over to the well and turned off the water to my house.  This morning I called the plumbers, ran down to the gas station/mini store and bought some water, and now we are just waiting on the plumbers to get here.

I saw a neat looking beetle when I came out of the convenience store.  I tried to take a picture of it but some how it took a video instead.  (So far, this has not been my best day)  I guess I will post the video and see if it will show up here:

By the way, I did not step on the beetle.  When I left, he was a live and well.  Now, you all have a great day and maybe mine will change for the better, you hear?


  1. What a horrible thing to find during the nite! Hope that plumber shows up,,, maybe you have more faith in him than i would have.

    1. Yes, but is was just as bad this morning. Plumber was here and will be back to fix the leaks and then come back to do a lot of work. He is also going to fix other things, too. He has a daughter in Med school so I guess I am going to be the one to pay the tuition.

  2. good lord! you went under your house at midnght??? lordamercy... glad the boogieman was off boogiemaning someone else.

    I don't kill beetles either ... woke up this morning ... went in to make coffee and something big and black was wiggling ... bent down to see what... big ol waterbug /cockroach ~ whatever it is ... on its back and wiggling to try and turn over ... the cats were having a fine time.

    I got a wad of paper towels and ewwwwwwwly picked it up and put it in a puddle outside by the bushes ...

    I don't like that ... and I especially don't like it when I haven't even had a cup of coffee! AND I say ... where there's one bug there has to be another ... haven't seen it... probably in the morning... ew

    sorry about your plumbing .. terrible

    1. It wasn't the boogie man, but the plumber said it was chewed on and was probably a coon. I think I will set a live trap for it. Should I bait it with a piece of PVC pipe?

      You have to love bugs to live here in East Texas.

    2. like that you call them waterbugs too, carolyn. i always have.
      lololol dd,,, bait with pvc,,,,

    3. OK, I got the trap set and I turned one of my security cameras around so I can keep an eye on it. The cameras have infrared lights, so I can watch after dark, too.

    4. The one good thing about living in CA is that there aren't any waterbugs! You are fortunate you found the leak and shut the water off. You would have really had a lake this morning if it had gone on all night.

    5. I am way too old to be crawling around in the middle of the night on my hands and knee on the wet ground. Think I will stay in bed tonight. . . I hope.

  3. You are a brave man, there is no way I would have gotten under a house in the dark. I would have just shut the water off at the meter...I am getting to be a pro at it.

    What with waiting on my mother's worthless plumber and now waiting on one I called on Thursday and has yet to show up!

    I always make sure I fill up gallon milk jugs daily or at least every two or three days so I always have water in case of an emergency but mainly to water Walter. Minimum I always have 10 to 15 gallons around.

    1. Yes, it is good to have jugs of water around for emergencies.
