Monday, May 12, 2014

Wondering. . . Whatzit (What Is It)?

When we were wandering through the flea market yesterday, I came across something that I was not quite sure what all its uses were.  It looked like a walking cane to me but had some other features that I just couldn't figure out what use they had.  So, today I am going to ask you all if any of you know what it actually is and what uses it has.  Then, in tomorrow's blog posting I will tell you what it is used for.  Of course what the vendor told me may not be correct.  He may have just made it up.  That is why I am asking if any of you have seen one of these and know what all its uses are?

When I walked by this table, this is what I saw:
 Remember, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I took it and leaned it up against the table to show what position it is in when in use: 

You all better come up with a good answer.  I am not sure the one I got from the vendor is correct and really don't want to tell you what his explanation was, I would rather let you do it.  So, scratch your heads, come up with an answer, and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Have NOOOO idea,, gonna wait and see... lol

  2. My 1st thought was it looked like a shooting rest

    1. I bet it could be used as that. I have used some strange things as a shooting rest, you know, what ever is within reach at the time.

  3. Looks like it could be a paddle used in washing clothes. Ya know, back in the day when they used to have to boil them in a pot and stir them?

    1. I guess it could be use for that also, except for the hinged part.

  4. Replies
    1. I didn't either, had to have the vendor explain it.

  5. I can see right off the bat that is no manufactured device. Close observation it looks like it sticks in the ground an' the big handle on top is used to push it down. The hinged part looks to me like a open funnel thingy, to pour from a larger container into a smaller container maybe. Shoot, I don't know.

    Dang Dizzy, this is too cool. Cain't wait for tomorrow for the answer.

    1. I will try to remember to post what the fellow said it was used for. He may not be right and I like your explanation better, but it ain't what he told me.

  6. At first I thought it was some kind of portable seat.... but then seeing the sides on it (and the tiny size) it sure didn't look comfortable to me. So then... my pea-sized brain kicked in... I know! You roll a pea down it, plant the pea, the lay the thing on the side to measure where the next pea gets planted. No? Okay... I give up!

    1. I bet you could use it that way, but I think I could invent a better pea planter than that. . . But, you may be closer to the answer than you know. . . will explain tomorrow.

    2. HAHaaaaa ... a pea planter... hahaaaaa

  7. The sad part of getting old is I can remember knowing what that is but I cannot remember what it is. Old age memory sucks.

    1. This is the first one I have ever seen and I sure wouldn't have guess what it was what that fellow told me it was. Maybe he didn't know and just made something up.

  8. Ya got me. Somehow I've gotten by in life without needing one.

  9. It does not look like it was used outdoors and the pivoting wooden chute seems to indicate transferring something from a big container to a small one.
    Therefore, I think this was used to fill small containers with various dry goods that were stored in large bins raised up off the floor that allowed gravity feed into the chute. Maybe in a bakery?
