Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wondering How To Answer.

OK, I guess I need to keep my word and tell you what that item was that I saw at the Internet.  Now, I wish I had posted about something else.  I have to figure out a proper and nice way to explain it, especially in mixed company.  OK, this is the item that I asked, "what is it":

Well, I got a lot of answers and no one was right.  Sixbears (of http://sixbearsinthewoods.blogspot.com/ ) said in his comment that he had "gotten by in life without needing one", and I replied "I would hope so".   The Odd Essay of
(http://theoddessay.blogspot.com/) suggested that it was used to plant peas and I told her she was closer to the answer than she knows.
OK, enough delay, since I promised to tell you I guess I have to.  So. . . It is a contraption that not only can be used as a cane, it helps the user direct the flow when he has to urinate.  I must assume that the user is incapacitated in some way or another or has the shakes and tremors real bad and can not hold steady and needs assistance from a cane while walking and the other questionable part of the cane is for when he has to "go".
OK, now that I got that out of the way (I hoped I explained it properly), I hope none of you need such a tool and that you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. hahahaha wish i'd had one of those around for boys, etc, in my earlier life.

    1. It takes practice to be a good shot. . . and a steady hand.

  2. That is pretty funny, Diz. I didn't come up with an answer yesterday, but I would never in a million years have guessed what that was used for.

    1. I, too, had no idea what it was for and had to ask the vendor what the heck it was.

  3. I can only say my son needed this when he was little.

    1. Yep, I am sure families with young boys would make a good market for this item.

  4. I guess there's a solution for just about every problem one can have.

    1. Most, but new ones keep popping up. That new addition to your family is sure cute. Bet you are all proud. It is hard to remember when my sons were that small.

  5. Well, I guess there's planting peas... and planting pee(s)... Maybe that's an early urinal like the hospitals use these days ;-) How funny! If I were Dusty, I may limit your time at those flea markets.....

    1. My wife is the one that first dragged me out of bed and off to the flea market, but since then, I have made friends and love to chat, so I am eager to go. You wouldn't believe what all you can find at the flea market, especially one this large.

  6. Now that I know what it was intended for, it makes sense! I can see that the design would certainly work for that!

    Thanks for the interesting find!

    1. I am sure they would have to make them in different heights. People do come in different sizes.

  7. OMG

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. That is what the guy told me and I had about the same reaction as you did.

  8. I thought you were putting us on as the vendor had you. But, I found another one for Sale Now at eBay for $25.99. It is described as "Vintage Wood Crutch Style Cane With Male Urine Funnel".
    I hope you bought it Dizzy, it is definitely a collectors item and could also be useful in your old age.

    1. I will see if he has it next weekend. He also does eBay, so who knows, maybe it is the same one.

    2. The picture I saw on eBay was different than the one you pictured.
