Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day.

I hope all you Moms out there are treated to a very special day.  You sure do deserve it.  My Mom passed away awhile back but she did get up into her 90's.  She was a special woman and a great Mom to me.  My Mom almost died having me when a blot clot went through her heart and lodged in her lung.  She had to spend awhile in the hospital and the nurses took care of me at first and after that, my Aunt took over until my Mom was able to take on the job.  So, you might say I had many moms.

My Mom was wonderful to me.  She took care of me when I was sick and went along with a lot of my hair-brained schemes.  Like one time when I was a kid, I was walking in the woods and saw a groundhog way up in a tree.  I had no idea that ground hogs could climb trees, but there he was.  Thinking it was a small, young one, I ran home and asked my Mom to help me carry the ladder up to the woods and catch him.  She did and when we set the long extension ladder up in the tree, it reached far enough where I could get a hold of it.  I had brought a big shopping bag made of heavy paper along to get him in.  I went up the ladder with my Mom following me with the bag.  When I got up there I realized that I had made a mistake.  It wasn't a baby but a full grown whistle pig.  (Whistle pig is another name for Ground Hogs.)

I had work gloves on and I grabbed him by the scuff of the neck.  He immediately came alive scratching and trying to bite me.  I quickly dropped it into the bag that my Mom was holding.  Should have worked, but the trouble was, that dang ground hog went right through the bottom and fell to the ground.  It hit the ground running and that was the last I saw of him.  Now tell me, how many moms would do that for a crazy kid?  Now, all you moms out there (and everyone else) have a great day, you hear?


  1. Not in a million years could I picture my mom doing such a thing. You had an interesting childhood and a great mom.

    1. I guess I was a spoiled only child. Hey, I liked it.

  2. I love that story.... sounds like your were as curious as a child as you are now. So good that your Mom that supported that curiosity.

    1. Both my parents were great. Dad and I did a lot night fishing out of canoe. Got some good stories about that, too. Maybe I need to write a book. . . No, I can't spell good enough (grin).

  3. Great story! I wouldn't have climbed up a ladder behind one of my kids to catch a groundhog!

    1. My Mom grew up camping. She had a pass on the railroad and took the train to school everyday. After school on Fridays she would ride the train up to the mountains were she would hike miles to a cabin. She had lots of rattlesnake and wild cat stories to tell.

  4. I can picture that, it's a black and white picture, but I can see you and your Mom up the ladder and I can hear her laugh.

    1. I bet you can. Wouldn't we like to go back in time and watch the whole gang up at Bohunkus? Stories they told about the snakes and cat rocks. There is no one left who know where the cat rocks are. Tiny Russle took Mom and Dad up there one last time. Mom broke her tow the night before but didn't tell anyone. That is how bad she wanted to go and did.

  5. poor little ground hog! glad he got away! and no way would my Mother... she disliked me getting dirty.... immensely. but I did anyway....

    great tribute, Dizzy ... ;)

    1. Well ain't little girls supposed to be suger and spice and every thing nice?
