Saturday, May 10, 2014

Wondering If It Will Rain?

Late yesterday afternoon, it started to cloud up.  A front was blowing in and the clouds were twisting and turning.  I looked straight up and saw them spinning in a tight circle.  I wondered if that could have been a small tornado that didn't reach the ground.  I then hurried back in the house to get my camera, but when I came back out, the rotation had dissipated.  That was good, but I would have preferred that it had stuck around just a few minutes longer so that I could have gotten a picture of it.

I did, however, take some pictures of what was left.  Too bad it wasn't a video, to show the boiling movement of the clouds.  Here is the first picture that I took and you can see where the center of the rotation had been:
 And another showing the same spot a little later on:
 This last picture is a shot taken in the opposite direction.  All these rough looking clouds didn't produce a drop of rain, but a little later, going on 18:00, it did start to rain and we got a long, steady, but not too heavy of rain that lasted a long time.  Just what the doctor ordered.

Now I hope your day will be sunny and bright and a little rain if you need it.  No matter what the weather, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Overcast, dreary, dismal... rain off and on. My kind of day! I like a good thunderstorm... lightning... the total works! I don't know how much rain they've already gotten in this part of Ohio but everything is GREEN! I'd like to see your clouds... but maybe a video ;-)

    1. We did need the rain. In fact we still could use a lot more. My one dog shakes uncontrollably at the first slight rumble of thunder. And yes, it sure is green around here.

  2. Rain here again today. That should green things up nicely. What we really need is some sunny days. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, but a lot of rain predicted after that. Welcome to the New England rain forest.

    1. The thing we noticed when we first moved to Texas is that there are more sunny days here year round than I could have ever believed when living up north.

  3. Here? Not a drop. Those clouds are awesome,, but i wouldve sure watched them. Just finished a book that had a lot of storm chasing in it.

    1. I did watch them. Sorry you didn't get any rain. If you have been as dry as we were, you sure would have been hoping for some.

  4. Yesterday we had a drizzle , very light, all day long! We could use one of those slow soaking rains, ya know?

    1. Yes, that is what we had and that is the good kind of rain that soaks in instead of runs off. When we first moved to Texas, it rained every afternoon. What happened?? Oh, I know, climate change. . .

  5. I'm glad the tornado didn't materialize for you, but if would have made a good picture!

    1. I would rather give up the good picture than to have a tornado.

  6. Glad to know it rained back home...not a drop in Del Rio :(

    1. I will not swear to it, but I believe Houston actually got more rain than we did. Yes, your place would have had a sprinkle or so.
