Friday, May 9, 2014

Woke Up With a Song On My Mind.

Have you ever woke up from a deep sleep with a song on your mind and then it keeps playing over and over in your head for a good part of the day?  Well I did this morning.  Here are the updated words:

Oh me oh my oh you
Whatever shall I do?
The question is peculiar
I'd give a lot of dough
If only I could know
The answer to my question
Is it yes or is it no?

Does your chewing gum lose its flavor 
on the bedpost overnight?
If your mother says don't chew it, 
Do you swallow it in spite?
Can you catch it on your tonsils, 
Can you heave it left & right?
Does your chewing gum lose its flavor 
on the bedpost overnight?
The original (the one I remember) was "Does your Spearmint Lose Its Flavor" but when the song went to England, it was changed to "chewing gum" because the BBC does not allow songs to be broadcast that include trademarks.
By the way, I only put the first verse and chorus above.  So, if you would like to see more of the lyrics, go to:
How many of you remember this song?  It was from 1959, so some of you were not born yet, but you may have heard it anyway.  Now you all have a great day and hope this song doesn't keep going through your head all day long.  But if it does, have a great day anyway, you hear?


  1. The last time that happened to me it was;

    "Green acres is the place to be"
    "Farm living if the life for me"
    "Land spreading out so far and wide"
    "Love Manhattan but give me that countryside"

    1. Oh yes, I remember the Green Acres TV show and the theme song.

  2. DD i think that song was in 1949. I was a kid. AND,, now i'm gonna be hearing it alllll dayyyy.... !! lmao

    1. Yep, I am hearing all day, too. It was released as a single in 1949. Check out this link:

  3. I remember that song... and now you've got it running through my mind. The last song that I remember "stuck on" was Morning Has Broken (like the first morning....) and the funny thing is, I don't even remember all the "right" words....

    1. Sorry, about putting that song in your head, but the other one, "Morning Has Broken", I have never heard of. But, if it ain't C&W or Blue Grass, that is why I haven't heard it. That is about all I listen to for the last umpteen years.

  4. 1924 Dizzy....Does your Spearmint lose it's the Happiness Boys. Google is your best friend.
    I don't recall the Spearmint version, but I do the "chew'n gum" version.

    I don't wake up with a song in my mind, but sometimes I catch myself humm'n a tune an' not realize I'm do'n it.

    1. That is a little before my time, but I remember the remake.

  5. I remember it well. I get irritated when I can't get a song out of my mind - usually it's a stupid song to begin with.

    1. Music is a big part of my life and I usually have a song or two bouncing around inside my skull most of the time.

  6. Getting caught up! yes, I remember this song TOO well.. lol... freshman in high school and oh, baruther ... EVERYone was singing it... we had a bunch of silly fun songs about that time... Purple People Eater and all of Ray Stevens' stuff... ohhhh remember Alley Oop oop .... oop oop ... hahaaa

    cloudy and about to burst clouds around here too ... great pictures!
