Saturday, May 17, 2014

My computer is out ro get me.

My dang lap-top computer is out to get me.  Yep, you heard that right.  I think it may have wanted to take the day off.  It knows it is the weekend.  I know it knows because down in the corner of the screen it tells the date and time.  Yep, it sure did want the day off.

I guess it figured if it would put me out of commission, I wouldn't turn it on and write a blog, read blogs, and search the Internet.  So, what did it do.  When I got up of the couch this morning to go to the flea market, it threw its mouse out and wrapped the mouse cord around my ankle.  This made me fall down on my face with a loud "THUMP".  My wife heard it from the other room and came in to find me trying to figure out what the heck happened.  Not only did I hit the floor, but my right side hit a box.  It seemed to re-aggravate my pulled muscle in the right side of my back and added a bunch of more hurts and sore spots.

I still managed to take my wife and go to the flea market but I was sure glad to get back to the Jeep and sit down.  Actually, the walking exercise after the fall probably will help.  Who knows how stiff I would have gotten by now if I had just went to bed or laid down on the couch??  Feel a lot better now, but I know it will take some time to get back to perfect.  Actually, at my age, nothing is actually perfect anymore.  Now, you all keep from falling down and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I found out in January my fat belly really helps when I did a face plant in the dining room of the Castle.

    1. I am working on that belly. Too late for this morning.

  2. DD, stomp that mouse to death, and get you a cordless one,,,
    glad it's not worse.

    1. I was about ready to stomp it this morning but "help, I've fallen and...." Yes, I could get up, but it hurt.

  3. It seems there is no way to escape the cords to all our devices and chargers. I got out of my recliner this .morning and my feet got tangled up in the cord that keeps my computer charged - pulled the computer off the small table where it was sitting, and nearly tripped me. Technology is becoming dangerous.

    1. I think the computers are banding together in a conspiracy to get us. Your computer and my computer have each other's email address and that is why I think they are conspiring. . .

  4. Gotta watch out for those tripping wires! At our age, face plants are NOT a good thing.

    Glad it wasn't more serious!

    1. I am surprised that I didn't flatten my nose. It is big enough to hit first but I must have held my head up. So, it wasn't really a "face plant". It was a body slam!!

  5. Oh my.. sounds like Big Brother is scheming to get us attached to our devices even more!

    Hope you don't get too big a bruise from your fall...

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. If I do get a bruise, I will go sit in the sun and get a good suntan and then it will not show. (grin) And yep, Big Brother is scheming for sure.

  6. Hope you're okay. Just this morning, as we're getting ready to head out... I said something like... it's a good thing we get on the road fairly often... gives me a chance to wind up all these cords and figure out what's what... and stash them for a day or so. My mouse is cordless, but... too many other things aren't. We passed just below your part of the country today... I thought of you as we traveled Rt 68 across from Morgantown over to Cumberland... just below the PA boundary. We're in Hagerstown tonight... on to NY and daughters tomorrow.

    1. Yes, I lived in Pennsylvania the first half of my life and about the same length of time here in Texas (minus the 2.5 years I worked a contract job in N.C.)

  7. Yep, murder lurks in their little electronic hearts. Glad you didn't get hurt worse. Feel better soon.

    1. It probably hurt my pride more than body. They both will heal.

  8. You did not mention what punishment you awarded the computer:)

    1. When the tree in my driveway jumped out and hit my motorhome as I was driving by, I retaliated by having my son cut the tree down. I am going to give my laptop another chance, since I use it to write my blog.

  9. As I got up from my chair after putting the laptop on the ottoman, I felt a cord in my sandal under my heel. Since exbf was here, I asked him to remove the cord since I was in an awkward position. I would have been better off doing it myself. He explained it, but I don't buy it. After he pulled the cord off the back of my sandal, he hurt my leg and foot trying to completely remove the cord by pulling on my foot!

    I think that being heavier makes the floor/ground come up faster and connect to my body much harder. However, the computer has never been the culprit in my falls. I always just unplug the cord of the laptop or yank it off in the floor when I get tangle up in the cord. My laptop has lots of chunks out from accidentally abusing it.

    1. It seems I thump a lot louder now when I fall than I use to. I think the best thing is to not fall. If that doesn't work, maybe I should dress myself in bubble wrap.

  10. If you made it to the flea market then you were not hurting too badly :)

    1. I couldn't dissapoint the wife. I had to take frequent breaks and find a place to sit down. I feel a lot better to day, but I am not fully awake yet (grin).

  11. Glad your feeling better. I woke up will a stiff neck, slept in a wrong position. It took several days to work that out. Not fun when things like that slow you down.

    1. I know it will take a little time. This morning I woke up with vertigo and still have it. Now, what in the world could have caused that.

  12. I have only owned three laptops but all three of them had the 'mouse' built into the keyboard area of the laptop. No cords involved. Get you one of those DD.
    Now charging cords, cords to charge my GPS watch or cords to import pictures from my digital camera are always in the way.

    1. My laptop has one of those "mouse touch pads" but I prefer using the old style mouse. I like to play some games on my computer and speed is important and the exterior mouse seems to work better for me. The first mouse I had was a digitizer so I could use AutoCAD easier.

  13. I always shake my head sadly when one of my human cousins has a fall. It's the price you pay for walking upright and not having toes that can grip like fingers. Hope the muscle gets well soon - hot oil and massage is my recommendation.

    1. You would have coped with it better than I. When it lassoed my leg, I was already off balance and you know the rest.
