Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bought something at the flea market

My wife and I go to the flea market on weekends.  I usually go to just visit and get some walking exercise but today I bought two books.  They may have been a mistake, but the covers sure did look interesting.  When I get around to reading them, I will let you know.  Anyway, I thought, if nothing else, they could be a source of information I could use in a blog post.  Just to prove I am correct, I am writing this blog about the two books (grin).

I always liked strange and odd and maybe even scary stories.  When I was young, we used to gather at Grandma's house and we kids (all cousins) would gather on the screened in porch after dark and I told stories.  I told all kinds of stories but loved spooky ones which I could scare the younger kids with.  No, I ain't mean, just thought it was funny and the "thing" to do.  Anyway, they all came back time after time for more stories.  So, I hope this book, "Scary Stories Treasury" is as good inside as outside.

The other book, "A Treasury in Western Folklore" should also be interesting.  I love western stories and I watch all the old black and white westerns on TV.  I have no idea how good it is but it is 2" thick and has over 600 pages.  Not a quick read but I hope it, too, has a lot of information that I can use in my blogs. 

Which one do you think will be the best?  I will skim through them and see if I can come up with a good post or two or maybe more.  So I guess I have to get to the reading and I want you all to have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I think the scary one would be the best. I have been watching ghost stories on TV lately, and last night ghost stories of Savannah - I wondered if I would have trouble getting to sleep, but all was well. The ghosts and UFO's are on so many channels, and I wonder which are the scariest!

    1. I always enjoyed a good scary story, listening to one or telling one.

    2. Scary is one thing, sinister is another. I'll just go for scary!

    3. Yep, scary is better than sinister.

  2. Now DD, tell the truth,,, if you could, you'd still be telling kids those scary stories,,, right? lololol... My Dad never quit, and the kids LOVED them!...Mom would come home from the hospital after 11, and find the bedroom full of kids,,,too scared to sleep elsewhere...

    1. Yes I would, for sure. Would like to go back to those times in my life.

  3. Maybe you should write down some of those stories, Dizzy. Just to leave something for future generations of kids needing a good scare, ya know?

    1. It has been so very long ago that I can not remember any of them now. But all the cousins seemed to like them, I do remember that part (grin).

  4. Nope, no scary stories for me! No scary movies either. Back in the early 80's reading Cujo by Stephen King, I could NOT put it down! Each time I closed the book, my mind kept going on and on with the story imagining what horrible thing would come next! I had to keep opening the book to quiet my mind. I stayed up ALL night to finish that damned book and I had to work the next day double shifts! I figured if someone could have that kind of macabre hold on my brain, I didn't want to ever read horror stories again! LOL ...

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Stephen King was pretty good about getting a macabre hold on one's brain. You do know that Cujo is still lurking out there in the dark some where, don't. you?

  5. I would like the Treasury of Western Folklore. I still don't like scary stories. I sleep alone.

    1. There was a long Forward and an eight page introduction. I got that much read this evening sitting out on the deck. It is going to take my awhile to get it read.

  6. I don't like scary stories or movies. Still remember in the late 70's going at noon to the matinee to watch Halloween because I was scared to go to the night function.

    I kept on screaming and had little kids turn around and give me dirty looks like saying "come on lady even we aren't screaming and we are kids!"

    1. Hey, at least you got your money's worth out of the scary movies.

  7. I would prefer the Western stories. But, when I finished reading all of them I would move on to the scary stories. I'll read almost anything.

    1. I also like history. It is surprising how much you can learn from old books.
