Friday, May 16, 2014

Got Jeep Inspected.

I figured that this morning would be a good time to get the Jeep inspected.  I actually got there before the guy did that does the inspections.  So, I wrote my name down on the list, noticing that I was the only name on it.  That sounded like I would get out of there rather quickly.  There were other people waiting, but one was getting new tires and do not know what the other one was waiting for.

They quickly moved the vehicle out of the inspection area and replaced it with another.  A fellow who had been standing outside got in the one they pulled out and drove away.  Then they pulled a Rodeo out and the lady got up and left, so that left only me and my Jeep.  Then came the problem.  They asked for proof of insurance, and I couldn't find it.  I have GEICO and I had a card in my pocket with their phone number on it.  He told me he had another number to call them, which he did.  All is well.  I have a new inspection sticker and a new license sticker in my windshield and all is well with that stuff until next year.  OH Yes, the motor-home will need inspected soon, but it will be in the shop for quite a few weeks longer.  It will takes four weeks or so to just get the replacement compartment doors.

It is another beautiful day here and I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'm glad SD doesn't require inspections. I see them as a money making operation by the states, and I doubt it they result in more cars being safe on the roads.

    1. I lived in Michigan for about a year and they didn't have inspections except if a state patrol pulled you over, he could inspect it. There was a lot of trash on the road from parts falling off vehicles. Inspections do help some.

  2. In Texas it's just a visual inspection isn't it, horn, lights, tires & insurance?

    1. And they drive it. A road test and emissions (depending on where in Texas you live). They wouldn't road test my RV last year, just checked the horn and lights.

  3. They drive mine to check the brakes too.
    Won't they inspect your MH there where it is?

    1. I don't know, suppose they would. I am not sure when its sticker runs out. Guess I will call the shop and have them check if they do it.

  4. Dizzy... do you know if we can renew our Texas sticker for our auto and RV license plates on-line? (Don't need a new metal plate... just the stickers?) That's not until September... the inspections aren't due until a month or so later.

    1. Yes you can. You have to contact the county office. Actually, I believe that Texas DOT has a number you can call. The one date (license stickers) and the other (inspection stickers) are not connected in any way. They are good for a year from the last time they were issued.

  5. I love living in a state that does not require insurance. No one has ever asked me for an insurance card. Not for inspections. Not even police stops.

    1. The only part of the insurance that is mandatory here in liability. In other words, in your state, someone can run a red light and demolish your car and injure you and you have to foot the entire bill unless you sue. Is that right?

    2. HA It's a joke about having to have liability,,, not one person has had it when they've hit ME. And the funny one was one ol girl that owed me back rent!!,,, Never got a penny. Sure, you can take them to small claims court, but guess what,, it's only YOU that it costs,, nothing happens to THEM.

    3. People in NH tend to have at least liability as we get in trouble crossing state lines. NH is a small state and all those state lines are close.

      Because it's not the law, however, it does tend to keep the rates down.

      Of course, if you've got a loan you need full insurance.

  6. I now carry a copy of all official papers on my smart phone for just such occasions:)

    1. Will the authorities accept it on the cell phone?

  7. Glad ya got all your inspection stuff done... we don't have to do that here in Wisconsin, but some of these cars you see driving down the road make ya wonder if we should?

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. As I told Gypsy, I lived in Michigan for a short time and there were no inspections there.

  8. Passing with flying colors is always good, at least you did not have to have anything replaced like windshield wipers. Seems in Houston they always got me on problem in Del Rio.

    Sorry to hear that your RV is still in the repair shop.

    1. They just put four new tires on the car ahead of me so I figure they must have made enough money on that and forgot about me (grin).
