Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Special Mother's Day Gift.

Since my wife was feeling under the weather on Mother's day, she didn't feel like having any company.  The next morning she found a bouquet of lovely flowers and a couple of gifts on the back porch.  Our son left them there and his lovely friend and her two children also left some very nice gifts.  First, let me show you the scented candle and the very special pot holders that her children painted.  Now aren't they really, really special?

I then set the bouquet behind them and took a couple more pictures:

My wife really appreciated them and wants to thank them all for their kindness.

And on another subject, we tied it!!  What did we tie?  We tied the record this morning for the coldest morning ever recorded on this date.  Yep, that's right, they didn't record temperatures back in the ice age (grin).  How cold did it get.  In Conroe it got down to 54 and officially in Houston, if I remember correctly from this morning's news broadcast, it got down to 55 there.  If you live in Canada, you would think that was a heat wave, but down here, going from almost 80 to 55, that makes it feel real cold, especially with the wind blowing.  Of course the sun is still really hot and it feels good sitting in the sun with the cool breeze.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. The Mother's Day gifts are really special. I'm sure they lifted your wife's spirits.

  2. brrrrr now curl up to your sweet wife and get WARM!

    great mom's day gifts.. sooo thoughtful!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. She is sitting out on the deck in the sun. Cool mornings like this are about the only time we can sit in the ho Texas sun. She is cutting strips of cloth to work with later.

  3. My roses were drooping by the next day, gone in 4 days. Hate that,,,they were so beautiful,,, had one like that orangey one too.

    1. Long after the flowers are gone, the love lingers on.

  4. It's raining and in the low 60's here... I set my Mother's Day bouquet outside on a table.. the cooler weather seems to be keeping them fresh a little longer. Hope your wife feels better soon and can enjoy those gifts.

    1. It is suppose to get up to 79 today. Still cool for this area.

  5. If it gets too cold, come up north to thaw out. We'll keep a light on for you. Nice Mother's Day presents.

    1. Wife's brother called from PA and it was warmer up there than it was here.

  6. Those are very nice gifts. Are these the children of the lady with the cute dog?
