Friday, April 11, 2014

Wondering What You Look Like in the Morning.

I would think we all should look our best when we wake up from a good night's sleep.  Right?  Well, that does make sense but it is not always true.  Some of us wake up looking like this:

Now, if you think that is bad, there is a sea creature that doesn't look too scary when it is sleeping.  It just looks like a benign, nondescript, lump or pod sticking up from the ocean floor.  See the picture below?  Doesn't look too scary now, does it?

But, when it awakens it is a different story.  It sort of reminds me of me when I first wake up in the morning.
Now, I know you don't ever look as bad as me in the morning.  I don't think this world could take too many of us that look like the little fellow above when he wakes up.  In fact, I believe all my readers wake up bright and cheery with anticipation of all the great things that you all will be experiencing today.  Now, you all just have a great day today, you hear?



  1. Not gonna look to see.... lol. Bad enough later.

    1. Drapes over the mirror seem to help in the morning. Of course I am beautiful any time of the day. . . Yeah, right (grin).

  2. I'm always kinda glad the lighting in our rig isn't the best ... and the only mirror isn't real good either ;-)

    1. What used to work for me was not to wear my glasses when I looked in the mirror, but that doesn't work since I had cataract surgery and had implants put in.

  3. That little guy needs a serious cup of coffee, then he'll be okay.

    1. I was fascinated with that creature after I saw it in my Discover magazine. Just had to find it on line and I did. Yep, he sure needs a couple cups of espresso.

  4. Having never been to hell but I've been to Okkkklahooooma ... just seen pictures of hell and so that's what I'm saying I look like. SCReeeeams ... Charlie likes all my wrinkles though and my wild woman from borneo hairdo in the mornings ... cats don't care... my son is used to it...

    1. At least you know that when you get up in the morning that it isn't the best you will look or feel all day.

  5. That is one UGLY and scary looks worst than I do in the mornings,,, jajajajajaja :D

    1. Sure glad to hear that you don't look nearly that bad . . (grin).
