Saturday, April 12, 2014

Wondering, Do You Want a Frog in your Milk?

Milk is drank all over the world and therefore, I would imagine that the whole world has problems keeping their milk fresh after it leaves the cow (or goat or whatever).  Not everyone around the world has a refrigerator or ice box or even ice.  If you didn't have a way of keeping your milk cold, how would you go about keeping it fresh?
It was reported that people living in Russia and Finland would drop living frogs in milk to keep it fresh.  OK, you may never drink milk again. . . actually, it has been many, many years since I have drank milk.  I prefer to get my milk in ice-cream (grin).
Sometimes these odd customs, when checked out by science, have some basis after all and this one is no exception.  The Moscow State University did some research and discovered that amphibians' skin secretions are loaded with peptides.  These peptides are antimicrobial compounds and they are as potent against Salmonella and Staphylococcus bacteria as prescription antibiotics.  So, now I am going to have to learn how to milk a frog's skin.  While I try to figure that out I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. We drink Silk... soy milk... hopefully better for allergies. When we raised goats, we had to pasteurize the milk ... we sold goat cheese..... But as a kid we drank pure unhomogenized, raw milk.... lots of cream.... (lots of fat).... No frogs.... but I do remember seeing a frog (or toad) sitting on the inside of the dug well we had... one of those you toss the bucket down and reel up... maybe he was keeping that water fresh ;-)

    1. We don't keep milk in the house. If my wife needs milk for a recipe, she substitutes yogurt for milk. Works for us. Man is the only animal that continues to drink milk after it is weaned, except maybe for people who give milk to cats.

  2. Well, THX DD... you just ruined my milk drinking....
    lol not really, i have an iron stomach.

    1. My stomach is iron to, although not quite as tough as it used to be. Then, too, I ain't near as tough as I used to be.

  3. I love milk plus I save my milk jugs to take with me to Terlingua but filled with water not milk.

    Do you not have cereal in the morning?

    1. If I do it is usually rolled oats with almond butter, butter, and a sweetener like agave. I also have rice checks which I mix with yogurt and cranberry juice. Now that is a real treat.

  4. I also drank raw milk from our own cow during all the years I was growing up. After I left home I drank very little milk and it has now been years since I drank any. That does not include buttermilk which I get a craving for from time to time. I also use yogurt where milk might be called for in preparing foods.

    1. When I was young and would spend time at my uncles farm, I sure did enjoy raw milk. I have never acquired a taste for butter milk, but my Dad loved it.
