Sunday, April 13, 2014

Wondering about a Great Dinner.

My wife made a great dinner last night and I sure did enjoy myself eating it.  In fact, it was so tasty that I had two huge, piled high, plates of it.  Before dinner, my poor plate looked like this:
My plate was as empty as my stomach.  Believe me, after smelling that big turkey breast baking in the oven, my stomach was calling out to be fed.  "Feed me!!  Feed me!!"  Yep, it yelled so loud it scared the dogs. . . (grin).  But let me tell you, it was sure worth waiting for.  I piled my first plate nice and full as I did for my second:

Now tell me, wouldn't you love to dive into that plate of food?  I sure did and went back for another plate full just as full as the first.  Dang, I wanted a third but my stomach was just too dang full.  So, for lunch today I had turkey breast sandwiches.  Now I can't wait until supper, but she will probably have something different.  BTW, I am sure you know by now that I love to eat!!  I hope you all have plenty of good food to eat today which goes a long way for having a great day, you hear?


  1. WoooHooo... looks just like Thanksgiving! Maybe I should check what's going on out in the yard... see if our resident turkey is still around ;-)

  2. That's one of those small plates, right? Not the big dinner ones.

    1. Actually, the empty plate was the smaller of the two. The one filled with food was the biggest one.

  3. Nothing like good home cooked food!

  4. That certainly looks better than what I ate today. Glad one of us got a tasty meal :-(

    1. Once in awhile it feels good to stuff yourself, and I sure did stuff myself. . .
