Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wondering, Did you miss me?

I didn't post a blog yesterday.  No, I didn't die, I am still alive and kicking, but I couldn't get Internet Explorer to work. After pulling some of my hair out I decided to try Chrome.  It came up asking for a password and a sign-in.  Never had that happen before, so I went to Firefox.  It came up but it was so small I couldn't read it.  It would take a huge magnifying glass to try to read it.  I got disgusted and turned the dang computer off.

That way, I got to enjoy some of the beautiful weather.  Yesterday was oh so perfect.  Not a cloud in the sky, hot sun, and a cool breeze.  Perfect day to be outside and you bet I went out and soaked up some of those sun rays.  And guess what?  It is suppose to be another great day.  I will take as many of them as Mother Nature throws at me.  Now I hope all is blue skies with you, so that you can have a very great day, you hear?


  1. I didn't miss you because I spent yesterday sound asleep. sorry 'bout that.

    1. If read my blog posting today, it should also put you to sleep.

  2. I have my Firefox font set to a easy to read size. Something to do with "control + an' -". When I attempt to use IE.....oh nevermind, you would only laugh.

  3. I was trying to recoup from being g'baby exhausted so wasn't reading blogs yesterday ... except those linked to FB.

    I use Firefox ... got a big ol font. like Billy Bob said .. you can use the plus key along with the control or in Mac's case ... command keys to large the screen... however, click on Firefox then Preferences then Content and have your way with the fonts... ;)

    1. There are a lot of things that I don't know about computers even though I have had them since the 283's were the newest and best thing out there.

  4. lol and all i was gonna say is,, look under view tab at top. I have to use all 3, too, cause where 1 wont work another will.
    AND YES, i missed you, kept looking.

    1. There are usually a lot of different ways of doing the same thing. Like you say, if one doesn't work try another.

  5. Yes, I missed you. There are some folks you just look for each day... and some who reply to every comment.... The first one I am sporadic doing... the 2nd I just didn't get in the habit when I started blogging. I started blogging to keep my family informed about what's going on, but quickly found out that my "blogging" family kept much closer tabs on me ;-) My computer has been acting okay lately... even the internet connection has been okay... but... darn! it's frustrating when it all goes sideways!

    1. Sometimes I think that computers are programmed to act up every so many months. Although I must say that this old laptop has been good to me except for a few glitches now and then.

  6. I do not go online until late in the evening or some would call it early morning. By the time I do that most people have posted :)

    1. Since I have been reading your blog for a long time, I know you stay up to the wee hours.

  7. Oh! So sad. In one bad thing one good thing has happened. Since you did not sit in front of the computer you were able to enjoy the weather!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Oh yes, it sure was beautiful yesterday and it will be again today.

  8. I missed you, Dizzy. And yes, I, too went out and enjoyed the day. Ate my lunch outside listerning to the birds in my company's gazebo, looking at our bluebonnet patch, and sharing the bench with a green lizard. Funny thing, we've been in this building for 4 years, and I'm about the only one who ever uses the gazebo. Most people don't even know there's wildflowers out there ~ they don't know what they are missing! Think I'll try it again today - get away from the phones and computer for a hour, then go home to enjoy nature with my grandson and draw chalk pictures on the driveway. Good times!

    1. There is beauty everywhere, all we have to do is look for it. Some places, though, you have to look a little bit harder.
