Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wondering About a Huge Monster.

I guess that there are all types of monsters.  Everyone probably has a different opinion of what a real horrific monster would be.  So, I got wondering what would be the largest most terrible monster I could think of.  Would it look something like this:

 No, the largest monster that I know of and that actually exists is the huge and terrible monster black hole at the center of our galaxy.  This monster has a name, it is "Sagittarius A*".  The A* is pronounces A-star.  Sagittarius A* is not only a huge monster, it is about to go on a feeding frenzy which will go on until there is nothing else available within its reach.

As I am writing this, Sagittarius A* has a huge gas cloud (G2) whipping past it at 10 million kph.  The black hole's extremely strong gravity has stretched G2 into a long snake like blob with the leading part already coiled all the way around it.  The gas blob is so large that it will take at least a year for all of it to clear the monster black hole.
It is also believed that there may be smaller black holes orbiting the huge A*.  The most massive objects in our galaxy seem to spiral downward toward the center.  So, I am sure that it will not take A* long to gobble up those other smaller black holes and when it does, it will flare up brightly for a short time.  The last picture shows what A* looks like when after eating dinner it flares up.  I wonder, is that its way of burping?

Now, to me, A* is a real monster.  It eats anything that gets close enough, once it grabs hold of you or something else it will never let go and it will slowly suck you in to oblivion.  So, what's it like inside a black hole?  Well I sure don't want to be the one sucked into one just to see, how about you?  Now, you all keep your distance from black holes of any size and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I wonder what happens when the black holes have sucked everything in? Maybe they start sucking the small black holes into the bigger ones.
    When the last one gets sucked up & there is nothing anywhere but that single, massive black hole does it pop & start the big bang over again?

    1. Rob, you are correct about them eating smaller black holes, they do. If the expansion of the universe would reverse and contract, then when it got crowded enough, everything could get sucked up. God Sci-Fi topic!!.

  2. That's some scary stuff there. For sure.

  3. for me, it's monsters that we can't see... the kind that make us sick, viruses, bacteria, cancer.... As for big monsters on Earth, we have weapons. I know some people who have a gun vault, on gun takes out armored vehicles. They have never fired it because you have to a mile away from your target. YOU NEVER WHATS IN YOUR NEIGHBORS HOUSE! I stay home a lot!

    1. I think I like your neighbor. He would make a great Texan. (grin)

  4. My little g'daughter is in the monster phrase right now.... when my son went through it ... we got hairspray and labeled it monster spray ... it worked.

    You remember The Blob? it gobbled everything and everyone up ... can't remember what happened to it .. one thing about the 50's horror movies is that the monster always met its demise.... fire ~ electricity ... maybe a black hole is a HUGE vacuum cleaner by the who or whatevers that made the universe and they're acomin for us all... starting with melting glaciers and mudslides and fires and ... so the vacuum cleaner's a coming... yep

    clean us all up and start all over again... instead of an Ark and a flood... we're gonna be gobbled up by a vacuum cleaner.
