Monday, April 7, 2014

Wondering about When Our Country was Small.

The United States wasn't always as big as it is now.  Don't forget, it started out with only thirteen states.  In fact it wasn't that long ago that it was only forty-eight.  In fact I can remember when it was only forty-eight and then Alaska and Hawaii entered the union in 1959.  But, let's get back to the time when there were only thirteen states.

Ohio is quite a populated state now, but do you know that back in 1788, on April 7th, that the first permanent American settlement in the Northwest Territory was established in Ohio at Marietta.  The Northwest Territory was made up of what later became Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the northeastern part of Minnesota.  Just imagine how very sparsely populated that area was and compare it with the states that are there now.   I bet those settlers at Marietta never imagined what they started.

I bet a lot of you either live in that area, did live in that area, or know someone that does live in that area.  It is a big area with a lot of people and it all got started at Marietta.  Let me know if any of you have connection to this Northwest Territory.  I was born and raised in western Pennsylvania, which borders it and then moved to Michigan for a short time, so I can say I actually lived in the Northwest Territory, but a long time after it was broken up into different states.  You all have a great day today, you hear.


  1. Never,,, ancestors came from MS, moved to TX and here we are.
    You're the only one i even know of.
    Did you ever put that biscuit recipe on here? If so, i missed it, and i don't have your email since i lost Outlook. I gave you mine.

    1. I emailed it to you on Monday 3/31/2014 at 09:35. Do you want me to email it again? Used the email address on your profile.

    2. dont know whats on my profile, but mail it to

    3. I re-sent it. Let me know if you get it.

  2. One line of my ancestry moved into the Cincinnati area somewhere around 1815. I have another family line that headed to Cincinnati from the east and stopped in McConnel, PA until Cinti. was safe enough from Indian attack to move there. Relatives from other lines were in Nelson Co., KY as early as the late 1700's.

    1. I have driven through Cincinnati, but never stopped there and don't think I have any relatives living there.

  3. My ancestors came from Prussia in 1834, settled in Missouri on land purchased from the Daniel Boone lands. A 107 years later was born a beautiful baby boy.....Oh wait, we talk'n bout Billy Bob here. Yup, I'm one them "ya gotta show me" type fellers. That was the closest to the Northwest Territories I ever lived. Well I did spend some time in god awful West Virginia before return'n to Texas. Never gonna do that again.

    1. If you had learned to play the banjo you would have fit in West Virginia. (grin). Half my family came from England and the other half from Alsace-Lorraine.

  4. Our farm is about 30 miles from Marietta.... which is a beautiful, old city... with the Hotel Lafayette as a main attraction. I'd have to check to see when my folks moved to Ohio, but my dad's family were in Clay Co, VA, which is now West Virginia in the 1800's. My mom's family were in Turkeyfoot, PA.... (Somerset). Oh... another thing... the Campus Martius Museum is in Marietta... has Rufus Putnam's log cabin restored. One day I'd love to ride the Delta Queen riverboat as it rolls up the Ohio river towards PIttsburgh. Marietta has Indian Mounds in the cemetery that's right in town. Guess I could go on and on... but you can tell it's one of my favorite places.

    1. I figured if you read my post today I would get a response from you, since your farm is in Ohio. You live near a historical city for sure. That boat ride would be nice, too. Take that boat ride up to the Allegheny and take the Allegheny as far as that boat will go and you will be in the area where I spent a lot of my youth and teenage years.

  5. I lived in a mobile home park in Belpre, Ohio, just a few miles down the river from Marietta. Does that count? Use to like to watch the barges travel the river as I worked at the Dupont plant beside the Ohio River. Every now and then you'd see some Allegheny River water go sailing by.

    1. Was the Allegheny water the clear spot or the muddy spot? I miss all the good times on the ole Allegheny.

    2. It was the part of the river that had the Water Diamonds sparkling in the sunlight.
