Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wondering about Snow.

Since I moved to Texas back in the late 70's, I have seen very little snow.  I saw snow on a late Fall trip back to Pennsylvania for a visit, I saw snow driving over the Rocky Mountains in New Mexico and in Arizona, and I have seen snow here a couple of times since I moved here.  No, it doesn't snow very often in this area.  So, the other day I got to missing it.  Then I came to my senses!!  Yes, I think snow is beautiful, but. . . and the but part can be pretty hard on you, your pets, your pipes, and especially your car.  The car has it the worst.  It has to survive the cold with lots of anti-freeze in the radiator and the salt on the roads.  I have had the locks on my car freeze up and had to keep heating my key with a cigarette lighter again and again until it would insert into the lock.

No, I guess I don't miss snow, just the beauty of it.  I found some pictures on the Internet that shows snow and some of the problems.  Like digging out in the morning after a heavy snow:
 Wow, does that bring back memories and after you get it all dug out and go back into the house to get your briefcase to go off to work, the snow plow comes by and re-buries it.  Then when you finally hit the highway, guess what you find:
 Even if you stay at home, you could have a lot of trouble.  Wet, heavy snow breaks off tree limbs which fall on power lines and brings them down.  Now you are sitting at home without any electric power.  The blower on your furnace will not work, there are no lights, there is no TV, you are starting to shiver from he cold and unless you have a fireplace or a gas kitchen range, you have no source of heat at all.  Do you still think snow is pretty?
 Then I move to Texas.  Texas is suppose to be warm.  The Gulf Coast is not suppose to have snow.  We use to spend our Christmases at Galveston State Park, parked right next to the beach.  Loved it, that time of year.  It was never crowded.  Then one Christmas morning quite a few years ago, we woke up to this:

Dang, I couldn't get away from snow, even in sunny, warm Texas.  No, I don't miss the snow.  If I want snow, I can go to where there is snow and when I get tired of it or get too cold, I can come home.  Yes, it is pretty and makes everything look nice and it seems to make things quiet, too, but I will try not to miss it anymore, and I hope you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Well I miss it. Since I am retired and don't have to get out on the roads I think I could really enjoy it. The biggest problem is when winter just goes on and on and on, and you then get tired of it and looking forward to spring. I think 4 seasons are the best.

    1. I always liked the four seasons. We have four seasons here, too, but they are very hard to tell apart, except summer when it gets over a hundred degrees.

  2. Like to see it falling, but like it even more to see it hit the ground and melt. My niece was teaching in Beeville a few years ago, and bragged to her class she was gonna be HERE and see snow... HA HA,,, they got it and we didn't... prob same year you talked about above.

    1. I am not sure what year that was but it was way back when I had a travel trailer. I have had two different motor homes since then. If I can get my old computer up and running sometime, I could see when it was originally taken. I went back to an older blog of mine and took it off of it for this blog, so I lost all earlier info, like when it was taken.

  3. I've got plenty in my yard still. How much do you want?

    1. Yep, I saw that picture you posted when you got back. Maybe you should still be in Florida. . .

  4. My friends in Ohio post pictures... still have snow in their yards. I happen to like the stuff... but Bill was plenty tired of shoveling snow... cutting wood for the stoves and all the other stuff that went along with Ohio winters. I got a microscope for Christmas maybe around 6th grade... and one of my favorite things was seeing snowflakes enlarged to their wondrous beauty..... all those facets... and learning that no two are alike. So way back then, I felt like snow was kind of magical all in itself.

    1. When we lived in PA. We had a large fireplace that would take 3 feet and longer logs, I loved cutting wood and the burning it in the fireplace. So very relaxing and it gave me a warm feeling that only some of it was from the fire, if you know what I mean.

  5. getting caught up, Dizzy … don't like scary movies … saw The Thing and The Blob and Creature from the Black Lagoon and those horrible scary vampire Bela Logosi (sp?) and Boris Karloff movies and ohhhhh Vincent Price… no no NO no no

    and omg Psycho … I still get the heebie jeebies when I shower in a motel or even at home! AND that's what I kept going out on my front porch screaming at the Universe! THIS IS THE SOUTH … we do NOT do snow … we usually have maybe one major snowstorm a winter… but this winter? man

    I don't do snow and ice… not my thang

    1. I was a young kid when I say Creature from the Black Lagoon and I thought it was going to crash through the wall of my bedroom and squash my head with that huge webbed hand. I now love scary movies but they don't scare me anymore.

  6. I do not mind snow if it only falls once in a while and that once in a while happes be on a weekend...otherwise, forget it!

    I remember it snowing twice in Christmas while I lived in Houston. My memory is bad but I believe it was in the early 90's and then back in early 2000's...then again I could be wrong :D

  7. meant to write HAPPENS...not happes...oops!

    1. I live east of Conroe and that big snow we had at Galveston didn't happen at my home, but the further south you went the more snow. Victoria got a foot or more.
