Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wondering About an Unknown and a Bush

We have a white flowery bush that grows all over our place.  So, I figure it must be wild or a tame species that adapted to the wild.  It has a fairly strong smell that bothers my wife.  So, of course there is one growing right next to the steps to our door and the deck:

The wild grape vines are trying to crowd it out, but if the bushes and vines in other areas of my place are any indication, this battle will go on and on and on and there may never be a winner.  I am going to have to cut both back before they force me off my property.

Now, I have a mystery.  Maybe you all can solve it.  The other day, my wife and I got in the Jeep to head out and when I started to move I heard a thump. . . thump. . . thump, so I stopped and looked under and all over the Jeep.  I didn't see anything wrong, so went out the driveway and onto the road.  Now it was going thump-thump-thump.  The faster I would go the faster the thump-thump got.  I figured it was the constant velocity joint, a u-joint, the drive shaft, a wheel bearing or something else that was going to cost me time and money.  Limped back home by going around the block.  Got out and looked it over again.  This time I found this stuck to the face of the tread on my left front tire.  I have never seen anything like it and have no idea what it is or where it came from.  The Jeep was fine when I parked it the day before and then the next day this way glued to the tread.  What the heck is it and where did it come from.
I hope you all can solve the mystery.  I give up.  All I know is that it is rubber and it had attached itself to my tire.  But what really blows my mind is that it wasn't there when I parked the Jeep, but it must have been.  Maybe this could be one of Hermit Jim's mysteries.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Its from that monster in the woods,, its scat,,,done on the tire.

  2. Yep. it had to be a monster or an alien. It did not come off easy. Had to pry it off.

  3. I can't see the bush very well, but is it privet? Again, I don't know my Texas botany very well, but I can see that I'm going to have to learn... too curious to not know ;-) As for the rubber "shavings"?.... I haven't a clue... looks like some kid extruded their play doh into a pile... Hope you find out and let us know.

    1. Yes, it is a privet bush. There are quite a few of them growing on my place. I can not relate to any shape of rubber that matches that piece.

  4. Can't help you with either, but tire thing is weird.

    1. Yes, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone, but wasn't. . .

  5. It will be interesting to watch and see if another blob attaches itself to your tire. That could mean an animal is trying to build something. But with rubber?

  6. That thing is strange and certainly beyond my understanding! I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it before!

    1. I guess one doesn't have to travel the world to find a good mystery. This thing is bugging me. I like to find answers to my questions and I sure haven't yet. It will probably wind up being part of some simple, every day thing. I will let you all know if I ever find out what it is. If I could find another one, I may find the answer.

  7. Not that this will help (but I'll say it anyway). I once had a "thump thump thump" that drove me crazy, and every time the tire store put my car up on the lift, they couldn't find anything wrong. I finally convinced one of them to check the tires with their hands, while it was on the ground. Sure enough, with weight on the tire, there was a humongous bulge in the rubber.

    My mom used to have that particular bush outside the kitchen window and every one of us had our graduation photos taken beside it, as it got bigger, and bigger, and......ate the neighbors. I've NEVER heard the name again, but she knew what it was. Which makes me get mad at my brain.

    1. I think that it will swallow the house by next year.

  8. You certainly got a mystery on your hands and I am afraid I can not offer any help.

    1. Some day I may find the answer, but for now, I have no idea what it is.

  9. Plz take that tire thing somewhere to get it identified,,, lol,, driving me nuts.

    1. Where? I posted a picture on my blog and figured someone out there would have known what it is.
