Monday, April 28, 2014

Wondering About Living Stones

Did any of you ever see rocks that were alive?  I sure never did, that I know of.  I mean, I don't go around and poke at every rock or stone that I see and listen if it says "Ouch", and I have never seen any stones or rocks just running through the woods (but I have seen some tumbling down steep hills).  But, yes, there is such a thing as living rocks.  Of course Living Rocks or Living Stones are just common names, sort of like nick-names, for plants in the Lithops family.  Here is a picture of some growing in a flower pot:

To get an idea of their size, I found a blog posting that showed their size in comparison to a match head.  Check it out here:  And here is a close-up of one, along with a small, blooming one:

Yes, rocks can bloom and the one above was not the only one.  Here are a couple more blooms to admire:

So, you still don't believe that a rock can be alive?  Well, there is one sure way to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. . . cut it open:


Nature can produce things that we could never imagine.  I would say that the these plants fit into that category.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. We don't have to search other planets to find strange and exotic forms of life.

    1. That is for sure. Ocean or land, there are strange creatures and plants on both. Then take a look at the microscopic. . .

  2. Even the inside of those are strange... I checked out the website... interesting.... me... I prefer things that look alive...

    1. I prefer the green of a forest. To me, a forest really looks alive.

  3. Do you remember an episode of I Love Raymond, when his mom takes up sculpting? All i'm saying. lol

  4. Getting a bit caught up ... I like this very much ! nature in all its glory ...never ceases to amaze me

    'morning, Dizzy ;)

    1. If someone is going to throw stones or rocks at me, I want them to be this kind.
