Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wondering about Toothpastes

There is a lot of toothpaste varieties and brands sold in the this country.  The toothpaste isle in Wal-Mart is quite long.  There are just so many to choose from and even more if you throw in tooth powder.  I use different brands.  Right now I have both Colgate and Tom's:

But I have been known to use other brands at times including:

And many others.  But, this following add caught my eye.  I bet this would be a good toothpaste for both before retiring at night and when you get up in the morning.  Like the add says, "Why fight oral hygiene - enjoy it!
So, now let us know what you use and/or prefer and make sure you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I skip the toothpaste. Just use one of those circulating battery powered toothbrushes and water, rinse with a little mouthwash. Yearly dental visits with no problems and very little plaque.

    1. I used to use an electric toothbrush and when I first got it (dentist recommended it), I didn't use toothpaste with it and it seemed to do a good job but my teeth started to discolor. Therefore, I had to use toothpaste. Now, years later, I just use an old fashioned tooth brush.

  2. I wonder if they still make Whiskey toothpaste since that ad is about 50 years old. Tom's has all the bad stuff every other toothpaste has.

    1. Yes they sure do. Here is a link that lists some of them:

  3. For some reason I have been getting free tubes of toothpaste for the last four years, so I use whatever brand is free.

  4. I prefer Ultra Brite but like yourself use many others especially if they happen to be on sale :)

    1. Varity is the spice of life, right? Even in toothpastes.

  5. As you said there are many brands of tooth paste now a days. we need to use the correct one!

  6. I don't do well with to many choices. I find myself shopping at a Mom and Pop local store more than I should. Their prices are higher but I like that my choices are less. Six choices of pasta sauce is better than 25! My sister would love a Jack Daniels and ginger tooth paste!

  7. Well, I use Crest... BUT... I want the paste, not the gel... and don't give me any of those stripy kinds... give me white, not red or blue or green. It isn't easy just to buy a tube of toothpaste, not only are there lots of brands, but each brand has about 20 choices. And I still use the original Listerine mouth wash... no cinnamon, mint or designer flavors please. Picky, Picky, Picky... yep... that's me!

    1. I am like you. But sometimes I try something different.

  8. LMAO,, at all these responses to TOOTHPASTE.... hahahahaha
