Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wondering About Fellow Worker from the Past.

Went to the flea market again this morning, as usual for a Saturday morning.  This time we ran into an old acquaintance.  We hadn't talked to him in many years.  He and I, in the past, worked together in the engineering department of a small forge shop.  Of course I had to have my picture taken with him.
  I am the one with the cowboy hat and white shirt.  I saw him last week, and thought that it may have been George, but since I hadn't seen him in many years, I wasn't sure just how he would have aged.  Today, he was there again so my wife and I stopped him and sure enough it was the guy we knew in the past.  We both look a little different than we did way back then and he said he noticed me last week but wasn't sure that it was me.  It was a good day at the flea market and see, it is amazing what you can find there, even old friends from the past.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Great Picture! What fun that must have been. Looks like you two could be brothers ;-)

    1. Oh shucks, I thought I looked more like Buffalo Bill. (Grin)

  2. The two of you DO look like brothers, like Odd said. Were you both young hippies by any chance?

  3. I don't know about him, but I was never a hippie until turned 70. Is this what they call a second childhood?

    1. I think it is, Dizzy. Especially when we start wearing diapers again.

  4. You both are a long long ways from the engineer look of years ago. It starts with refusing to wear a tie, and before you know it you've got long hair and a cowboy hat.

    1. I don't believe I ever wore a tie to work, even back when my boss always wore a tie, vest and complete suit too work every day. He was from the "old school". The VP once asked me if I had horses. I said no, why did you ask? He said because I always cowboy boots or stove top boots. Guess I was a Texan all my live but didn't get to move here until half my life was over.

  5. Guys are high school reunions are hard to recognize because of their balding, moustaches, along with some weight gain or loss. With the women, their is not baldness or facial hair to make recognizing them impossible. I will go to the 50th reunion in a few months. Thankfully, they will all have name tags.

    1. Went to my reunion a few years ago and only recognized a few of them, and they were women. I later called my old class mate, friend, and best man at our wedding, to ask him why he wasn't there. He said he was and wondered what I wasn't. We then told each other here we were standing in our class group picture. We both had changed a lot.

  6. There is a resemblance...always good to run into friends from the past.

    1. Yes, and now that we have each others email and phone numbers, we should be Abe to.

  7. That is so good. love to do that.

    1. Yep, and saw him there again today along with his wife.

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