Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wondering About April 30th.

I love to search for interesting things that happened back in history, and if they happened on the same month and day as today, that makes them more special to me.  There are always a lot of things to choose from but I am only going to list two.  The big one is that the United States bought what became known as the Louisiana Purchase on this day back in 1803.  This large tract of land was purchased from France.  This really enlarged the United States.  Check out the map:
As you can see, it just about doubled the size of existing eastern states.
Another thing was that Hitler died on this date back in 1945.  He wanted to be doubly sure that he got the job done so he both swallowed a capsule of cyanide capsule and then shooting himself in the head.  Yep, he got it done, for sure.
Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Ohio became a state March 1, 1803... looks like the US was rapidly expanding at that time.

  2. HEY!! Why isn't my blog on your blog list???????????????

    And on April 30, I married Joe. Come see.

    1. Your blog is on my Dashboard and I read it every day. I haven't updated the blog list on the side for years.

    2. Alrighty then. nevermind. lol

  3. Can tell, DD, about the updating,,,, lmao. Some hasn't had a blog in years....

    1. Ole Ben's blog has disappeared from the side. He passed away awhile ago. Sure do miss him. I spent a wonderful weekend with him at his place. Parked the RV beside his "barn". If you have been following my blog long enough, you would have seen my blog with pictures about that weekend.

    2. Been following your blag since the first one, with his help.
