Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wondering About Tiny Flowers.

Yesterday, I took my digital camera and walked around near the house.  I had noticed some tiny little flowers popping up all over the place and I wanted to try and get some pictures of some.  To give an idea of the size, I placed a quarter near the flowers that I wanted to photograph.

Aren't these little flowers cute?

I think that these were really different and very beautiful:

The last three pictures were taken the day before.  I didn't put a quarter in these three files, so don't spend your time looking for it.

The blooms in the last two pictures will soon turn into yummy dewberries:

It pays to take the time to look at the beauty in little things.  Yes, the grandeur of the rocky mountains and the wonder of the night sky that stretches above us are awe inspiring, but so can the small, simple things and anyone who can see can enjoy them.  Now, you all have a very enjoyable day, you hear? 


  1. I think those at the top are those horrible sticky things i put round up on.

    1. My wife says you are right. Even though they have a bad side, they are still pretty.

  2. Gotta shift gears and think Texas again.... I haven't seen my western wildflower field guide for a while... wondering where I put it.....

    1. I bet your RV is itching to hit the road, too. Yep, you better find that field guide. You may want to take a couple of days to relax and get your Texas legs back under you.

  3. I love those really tiny flowers, but I also remember hating them as much as I love the tiny blooms.

    Today, I was taking the pictures on my blog today. There were tiny purple flowers, but I could not bend and keep the camera steady. Spring is wonderful.

  4. Always nice to see signs of spring no matter how small or nameless.
