Friday, March 21, 2014

Wondering About the Proof.

"I don't believe you, show me the proof!!"  I am sure you have heard the preceding with someone demanding the proof.  But guess what, that ain't the proof I am talking about.  Although I don't drink now, I did in the past and I know people who do.  So I bet you have guessed it by now that I am wondering about the proof, or alcoholic content of some beverages.

What exactly is proof and where did it get started.  Proof is a way to measure alcoholic content of spirits and the proof is double what he alcohol percentage is.  If something is 45% alcohol, it is 90 proof.  That is what it is today, but when it got started, it was a little different.

It seems that gun powder dissolved in water will not ignite, but if there is enough alcohol in that water, it will ignite.  So way back when, they proved that the drink they were selling or making was what the buyers wanted by lighting it on fire.  If it burned, it was proof that there was enough alcohol in it to make the buyer happy.  Now, don't imbibe too heavily so that you can have a great day, you hear?


  1. Is that where the term "fire water" came about?

  2. Never knew that the proof was double the alcohol...

    1. Yep, it is. Glad you learned something from my blog.

  3. Now if'n I had knowed this many years ago, bout 30, I would have never switched over to Bacardi 151 rum. Although it did get me on the dance floor twice as fast as bout 4 or 5 cans of beer.

  4. Like Trouble, I never knew proof was double the alcohol. I really do not drink liquor, much prefer a cold beer but these days those are far and in between as well.

    1. I always enjoyed both at the same time. Leaned to drink on boiler makers. That was a long, long time ago. Like I said, I haven't had a drink of alcohol in many years. Trouble is, when I get up in the morning, I know that is the best I am going to feel all day. What a bummer.

  5. Should I be concerned that I actually knew this one? :)

    1. It depends on how much gun powder you used. . .

  6. I'm like Sixbears... know about proof in alcohol.. but then got to thinking about proofing bread.... the yeast action making the bread dough rise. Which then made me wonder how the heck anyone who is trying to learn English ever figures out all the different meanings for the same word.

    1. The English language must be the hardest and most ambiguous language in the world, and maybe in the solar system and maybe even in the universe. . .

  7. Dizzy, you amaze me. You amaze a lot of people. I just want to know.....have you recovered from that tree jumping into your RV and scratching it? I didn't want to bring it up until I was sure you'd gotten over it.

    1. The claims adjuster was here today and spent an hour or two going over it. The process is slow, but it is moving along.
