Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wondering Aboout John DeLorean

So, why should I wonder about John DeLorean today?  Well, it is because on this day in 2005 he died at age 80 in New Jersey.  How do I know this?  I got most of my information from .  Do any of you remember the car he designed and built?  The DeLorean was a gull-wing sports car that was made popular in the movie, "Back to the Future".  Here is a picture of John DeLorean with his famous car:

And here is a picture showing it from the rear:

And guess what?  They even made a stretch limo:

Yes, everyone connects his name to the above famous (or infamous) car that he designed.  But, did you know that he also worked for Packard?  Later he moved to General Motors and where he was credited with developing the first muscle car, the Pontiac GTO.  Didn't the Beach Boys sing about that car?

For someone that was born back in 1925, he sure designed futuristic vehicles that were way ahead of their time.  I guess he really needed a time traveling car, like in the movies.  Now, if you have a DeLorean, take it out for a drive today and hope you don't go way ahead in the future or way back in the past, but stay here in the now and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember way back when I passed a car dealer on my way to work that had a Delorean in the showroom window. I loved it, and swore I would some day buy one. Of course I never had the money to buy one, but it was beautiful - stainless steel at that.

    1. Yep, they were stainless steel. I believe that the first ones out were around $25,000.00 which was a lot to pay for car back then. But then, what other car could take you to the future (grin).

  2. Son and his dad have lots of GTOs,, restored too. And FAST,,, lol. So yeah, i knew who he was. You can be in front of the building when he brings it out in back, and the ground is rumbling too. Well, the yellow one,,, theres lots of others.

    1. I believe everyone our age remembers when the GTO came out. I sure do.

  3. I had no idea DeLorean was born in 1925.

    I have a vivid image of his much younger wife Cristina and their little girl who was the spitting image of her mother. He was a nice looking man as well but his wife had to be half his age.

  4. You can buy a restored DeLoren for about $30,000-55,000. I think I would rather have one of them at that price than a new Tesla Model S starting at $63,500.
