Monday, March 31, 2014

Wondering About Condiments, Again.

"Do you want a little food with those condiments?"  My answer to that question would be, maybe a little.  Yep, I do love my condiments, all kinds of condiments, and yes, I blogged about this subject before, but it was back in 2009 and any readers of my blog that haven't been reading it for that long has probably missed it.  Here is a link to that blog:

So, what are my favorite condiments?  Let's start with salads.  I do use the standard vinegar and oil, but also add agave to sweeten it and onion salt and salt to spice it up some.  I also love avocadoes.  I put chopped onions, onion powder, and salt on them.  Oh, they are so good and the onions sure do compliment them.  Another fruit that I love is kiwi.  Guess what, I don't put any condiments on them.

I guess my list of condiments that I like and keep handy would be Miracle Whip, Heinz Ketchup, horseradish or horseradish sauce, hot sauce, salt and pepper, agave, and I also use butter and almond butter as a condiment.  I put butter, almond butter, and salt in hot oatmeal and that makes me a great breakfast.

I do not eat peanut butter.  Peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes that grow under ground and are always contaminated with mico-toxins from mold.  Anything with peanuts in it is not good for you.  Take my word for it, and I used to raise my own peanuts and did love to eat them, raw, boiled, or roasted, that is, until I found out how bad they are for you.  Just remember, real nuts grow on trees, not under ground.  Back then, a fellow moved here from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and when he heard that I grew peanuts, he wanted to come over and see my peanut tree.  I actually thought about tying some peanuts to a tree, but then after I quit laughing, I explained to him how peanuts grow.  Now, you all throw away your peanut butter, get some almond butter, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I was really let down when ya said peanut butter was bad for me. So I did a Google on it. I'll continue to eat peanut butter an' I'll enjoy it even more now that I know of the benefits. It's actually good for ya Dizzy.

  2. I have always disliked peanut butter and could not stand to see kids eat their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (I like jelly)...would rather starve than eat that.

    Now I have a good reason to avoid it after reading your blog and finding out it is bad for you. Everyone looks at me weird when I tell them I hate peanut butter.

    I am big on Miracle Whip. Is agave tequila?

    1. Anything high in sugars, like agave, can be used as a sweetener or can be fermented and distilled into alcohol.

  3. I grew up with Miracle Whip and didn't learn to like real mayonnaise until I was in my 30's. Now I wouldn't be able to eat Miracle Whip. I started buying almond butter because I like the taste better than peanut butter, although I like some protein bars that have PB and peanuts in them.

    1. I like them both but if I can only have one, it will be Miracle Whip. Yep, I know real mayonnaise is suppose to be better, but I prefer Miracle Whip.

  4. I'm a big fan of Mrs Dash..... we don't even have a salt shaker. I, too, grew up on Miracle Whip.... don't use it often, but prefer it over the real thing. Guess I'll have to look in the fridge and see just what we do have in there..... got me wondering now....

    1. Glad I got you wondering. That is what I try to do. We like Mrs Dash, too.

  5. I'm a Hellman's kid and like ground black pepper. That's about it. no salt no catsup no salad dressings. I used to love blue cheese dressing... still do and will order it on the side for dipping a salad thing or two. I like the medium Pace Picante Sauce...

    Love almond butter and peanut butter ... but only the kind that is nothing but peanuts and almonds. no additives ... just squished peanuts or almonds ~ organic.

    agave? I haven't tried that. saw some at Whole Foods ... mixed with other stuff to drink ... supposed to be good for us .. Acai berry ... haven't tried that either. think I will.

    You have yourself quite a mind, Dizzy .... always moving ... oh, I like mustard

    I like putting Hellman's in a bowl, add chopped onion and yellow mustard ... that is sooooo good. when I ate meat... it was great on a hot dog or a burger.

    I like avocado chopped a bit with Pace Picante sauce ...

    1. Since my Dad was a salesman for H. J. Heinz Company, Heinz Ketchup was what we bought. As far as mustard goes, I always like the hot mustard that Chinese restaurants.

  6. Can't tell that peanut butter ever harmed me, ate it all my life, and DD, i eat potatoes, onions too, and they grow underground. If truth be known, probably everything i eat is bad for me,,,lololol....They say this, they say that,,, all goes around. My bro told me he had heard lately, that fat was good for you, so i just eat, don't worry about it.

    1. I saw a comedy movie with Woody Allan where he was put in suspended animation and came back to life many years in the future and ice cream was a health food. So, I eat ice cream every night, it must be a health food now since that was an old movie. Right??

  7. Mayo, yellow mustard, catchup, horseradish, A-1 & Tabasco sauce. Life would be tough without condiments!

    1. Hey Rob, my hot sauces usually include both Tabasco and habanero. I love the flavor of habanero but because of the heat I don't use too much of it.

  8. Dizzy,
    You have an unreasonable fear of aflatoxin in peanuts and corn. Yes, there is probably some present in both of those foods but they are not any more dangerous than the salt you enjoy and the fats/sugar in ice cream that you claim to eat every night. Overly protective of your health on the one hand and not protective at all on the other.
