Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wondering Why I Can't Use I.E.?

I am having problems posting this morning.  I always use I.E. (Internet Explorer) but today when I brought it up, something was wrong.  It went through all the windows to get to the blogger page but then when I did, it was barely readable.  It was a faint shade of light grey.  Maybe it was a ghost of my blog. . . scary!!  I have three Internet browsers on this computer, I.E., Google Chrome, and Firefox.  I tried Firefox, it worked and that is what I am using now.  Just went back and checked I.E. and it is back up and running.  Now I am confused!!  Just don't understand why it would do that.  Maybe it is the aliens from a more advanced intelligent race from somewhere beyond our solar system who just decided to pick some earthling's computer to screw around with.  Just a test for when they are going to take over. . . grin.

No, I am not paranoid.  If a doctor asks me if I hear voices, I would answer, "Yes, I hear yours".  No, I don't believe we are going to be invaded by some advanced civilization way beyond the solar system.  It would take them so many years to get here it wouldn't be worth it and anyway, why would they choose this little speck among trillions and trillions of other likely places for some life that may be much closer.  Radio has only been in existence since the very late eighteen hundreds and it was so week it would not be distinguishable at astornomical distances and since it would only be traveling for a little over a hundred years and it would take the same amount of time for some advanced alien civilization to send a return signal and much longer to get here in person or in creature or in what ever form they are in, I don't think they will be knocking at my door anytime soon.

So, what do you think?  Do you believe that there other civilizations somewhere in the universe?  It is such a huge place and has countles star systems, I would be very suprised if there were not any.  Now, make sure who is knocking on your door before you open it, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I've come to the conclusion that Malaysian 370 is now aboard an alien space ship. Of course there is other life in the universe, but I hope we don't ever have contact because they would be more advanced than us and it would be like the Spanish Conquistadors meeting the indiginous peoples of the Americas. All they would give us would be their diseases!

  2. You sure are right, Gypsy. We got enough diseases here already. Or we may look like a tasty desert to them.

  3. IE is just Microsoft's April 1 joke.

    It's a big universe. There's room for all kinds of interesting critters out there.

  4. You got that right, both about Microsoft and the big universe.

  5. Truth is, I don't think about other life out there very often. Guess I get too busy keeping track of the life I have ;-)

    1. I sure do understand that. Why does life have to be so complicated? Of course I wouldn't want it any other way.

  6. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field found thousands of Galaxies in a small chunk of dark sky. Thousands of Galaxies, not just stars.

    Another civilization? Why not!
    Another civilization messing with your I.E.? Probably not, MS has enough enough problems all by it's self.

    1. Yes, there is a lot of wondrous things out there in the universe. In fact, I will post pictures of some on tomorrows blog. Stay tuned. . .

  7. I don't think there is life out there like we have on this earth but I'm sure there is plenty we will find out soon enough. And I'm always concerned about our human's looking at ways to live on other planets, because, look at what they are doing to ours right now...

  8. I guess we humans are the monsters of the universe. . .

    1. Perhaps, but so far we have nothing else from the universe with which to compare. It is also possible that we are the best of the lot.

  9. Does me that way too, i just refresh or close and reopen.
    Hope you haven't sent that email, if u did i deleted it.
