Sunday, March 2, 2014

Got My Jeep Back.

I got my Jeep back late Friday afternoon.  Sure glad I did, I missed it.  Wow!!!  It is sure a pleasure to be driving it again and it hasn't been that clean, both inside and out, since it was brand spank'n new.  I have to say that the place that my insurance, Geiko, sent me was really a great place.  It's name is Service King.  They did a great job and were quick and considerate.

Everything, except for the motor-home, is back to normal.  Hope it goes as smooth as the jeep fixing did.  Hey, I can dream, can't I?

It has been extra warm around here.  Think it got up in the 80's yesterday and still warm today.  The coolest it got over night was 68 degrees.  That is all going to change real soon.  A cold front is heading our way and they said that early next week it may even freeze.  The temperature around here is bouncing around more than a basketball.  Hope all is well with you all and have a great day, you hear?


  1. It's good to hear you are happy with the jeep, the service, and the insurance co. You just never know, but it looks like you lucked out.

    1. I liked the good story with the happy ending, too.

  2. I love hearing a success story... especially one that involves insurance, vehicles and good service. Hope your good luck just keeps on happening!

    1. So far, it hasn't been going anywhere with the motor-home. Hopefully, the adjuster will show up early in this coming week.

  3. Heck it's 31* right now, and that wind is blowing about 20MPH

    1. At 16:40, right now, it is 53 and dropping fast.

  4. Glad it got back in as good as new condition. Temps here in the Red Stick bend of the Mississippi are doing the bouncy-bouncy thing, too. Heck, the water hose got all stiff and crunchy for a little while last week.

    1. This strong front that is coming through right now just may make it over your way. Be prepared.

  5. That's progress Dizzy. Hope things go as well with the RV.

  6. I think you have used up your next three years worth of bad luck.. so you should be "good to go" for a long time now!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. I sure do hope so, but as my Dad used to tell me that nothing is so bad it can't get worse.

  7. I am so glad to hear you got your Jeep back and everything went well.

    It is 2:52 a.m. and I am seeing that at my house in Houston it is currently 29 but feels like 17...I am sure it is much colder where you are at :(

    Keep warm!
