Monday, March 3, 2014

Wondering What, Where, and Why.

The three double-ues that I wonder about the most concerning almost everything is "What, Where, and Why".  The answers to these three questions gives me most of the information I need to satisfy my curiosity.  These three questions work for me if I am wondering about anything anywhere in the universe and beyond.  I don't always get or have answers and maybe that is why I keep asking what?, where?, and why?

"What?" and "where" are the easiest to find answers for, but the "why" is the hard one.  When I get my telescope out and look up into a clear, moonless night sky, I ask those three questions.  Sometimes I see things that when I ask those questions, I can't answer any of them!!  Most of the time I can answer the "What?" question.  The "Where?" question is somewhat harder but still fairly easy to answer, but the "Why?" is another story.

What was all the things that had to happen to make this planet we live on habitable to life as we know it?  Where did it all come from?  Yes, I know there were many collisions and mayhem in the early solar system and that a object about the same size as Earth crashed into it.  Why did Earth survive and produce such wonderful and varied forms of life?  If it had been any other way, I wouldn't be here writing this and you wouldn't be reading it.  OK, maybe you won't read it, but I am still alive and writing it.  Whether you read this or not or agree or not, I want you all to enjoy our wonderful planet and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I love this planet too, and am constantly amazed at the beauty and mathematic perfection of the universe.

    1. Ain't it wonderful? It was made just for us and we are the ones who are ruining it.

  2. And then there's "how". Some folks have to know the answers and some folks just enjoy the beauty of it all, never questioning a thing. And I know a few folks who are oblivious to it all.....

    1. I am always cureous about almost every thing and I want how things got the way they did. The more I learn the less I know. . .

  3. Your are true. If we come to know the answer of those question we can lead a beautiful life and also come to know about many information's.

    1. Knowing is much better than not knowing and not caring is worse.

  4. Dizzy I'm hung up on (Cause and effect ) which makes me ask the same thing ( when where and why )

    1. Great minds run in the same groove, or is it a gutter?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Then I have to add ( what ,who, and if )

    1. "Wihat if" is the hardest to answer correctly. What if I had done it differently, then what?

  7. After living soon to be 71 years ~ searching and wondering and wandering and pondering and meeting others with different viewpoints and their interpretation of how and why and what and where it all came about …. I have found the answer~

    I know nothing and neither does anyone else. I just appreciate the living breathing hell of it. This old cold drizzly drippy day with ice… a sleeping little 13 month ol g'baby boy beside me… knowing that even thought that latest whatever it was hurling about in space missed us a mere million miles … missed us.

    AND on we go .. .where we stop? nooooobody knows. maybe the Shadow do.

    'morning, Dizzy ;)
