Friday, February 28, 2014

Wonering About Ronald Reagan.

I spent a couple of hours this morning reading some of Ronald Reagan witty sayings.  I got carried away.  There were just so many of them and I was planning to list a few of his best, but they were all good, well, most of them.  I gave up and then searched for some Reagan pictures.  I came across quite a few that made me laugh.  Reagan had a sense of humor that I really like.

So, since I wasted too much time already, I am going to just post these few:

This last one was when he was about give a speech and they asked him to say something to test the microphone:

Just thought these may put a smile on your face.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Reagan was an actor an he played his part well.So good he fooled a lot of people !

    1. Yes, he was an actor and he played his part in life well.

  2. My Dad thot the world would end, when Mom voted for him.

    1. I come from a split family. My Mom was a republican and my Dad was a Democrate.

  3. I always wondered who wrote his scripts... It wasn't hard to guess because they really spent a lot of borrowed money at the various corporate showrooms!

    1. I don't know who wrote his scripts but I loved his Reaganisms.

  4. I was busy raising 2 little ones, I can hardly remember when he was president.... or maybe it's selective memory?

    1. The first president I remember was Ike. If I remember right, he beat Stevenson to win the election.

  5. A Grade B actor at best. I could never tell when he was acting and when he was "presidenting".

    1. All polititions are actors. Do we ever know who they really are?

  6. Fun post. Next post George W Bush flubbed lines?? I always loved them and felt his pain. We are all human, thankfully most of us mess up without the whole world listening!

    1. I know I mess up a lot and I know that the best thing to do is laugh about it.

  7. My favorite! More power to him if he could remember this line that was written for him under the circumstances.

    Please tell me you're all Republicans.
    -- Comment by Ronald Reagan to the surgeons who were about to operate on him after the assassination attempt (March 30, 1981)

  8. Ah yes, Ronald Reagan, despite his buffoonery, came up with some darned witty stuff. Coincidentally, there was a show on British TV about him and his quips about a week ago.

    Bedtime for Bonzo....

